It is the year 2013 and The Big One has torn the City of Angels loose from the mainland and turned it into an island. Now a dumping ground for anyone deemed unfit to live in the new "moral America," Los Angeles has become a lethal wasteland ruled by gangs, South American terrorists and the criminally insane. It's a 21st-Century inferno, and for the next ten hours, legendary one-eyed outlaw Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) is going to be fanning the flames. Directed by John Carpenter, Escape From L.A. also stars Steve Buscemi and Valeria Golino.

Behind the Scenes...

Kurt Russell is Snake Plisskin in Escape From L.A.
Snake Plisskin is about to get a diabolical makeover.
Kurt Russell previously starred as Snake Plissken -- a lone desperado of almost mythic proportions -- in John Carpenter's Escape From New York, which was set in 1997. It's now 2013, and a new moral America has arisen in reaction to crime and immorality from within its borders and terrorist threats from without.

This is a United States that has banned smoking, drinking, drugs, foul language, red meat and sex outside marriage. The President has been elected for life, rights have been suspended and the borders have been closed. If you don't fit in, you are banished forever to the island of Los Angeles.

Producer Debra Hill says: "After the last few years in Los Angeles -- with the fires, floods, earthquakes, gangs and violence -- I think a lot of people have considered escape as an option. It's the main subject in conversations all over town, so John Carpenter, Kurt Russell and I thought, why not take it a step further? The timing felt perfect to make this movie."

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