Scampaign 96 Headquarters
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
The 1996 Presidential election is gearing up, and candidates are marching out of the woodwork like a professional clown troupe, making us laugh until we cry. Well, the crying may have more to do with so many of these freaks being absolutely serious about the various ways they want to control our lives. The Scampaign '96 site should provide some needed relief from all the scary rhetoric. The site is run by a bunch of comedians who are creating there own style of political journalism, a style that has become necessary, considering the ridiculous lows to which current campaigns have sunk. The home page is updated frequently with news and commentary from the front, and should continue up to the fateful day when we pick the '97-'00 version of the president. The Scampaign '96 commentary is also distributed as a mailing list, which can be registered for through a form on the site. If you have friends without Web access, get them on the mailing list. Barry Weintraub is the mastermind of Scampaign '96, and he makes no bones about his political cynicism. ³We hope to entertain and inform and unite disaffected voters through the common bond of cynicism,² he says. If this is the only way to get people to vote, then rock on, little warrior. Another area of the site has profiles of all the presidential hopefuls, plus quotes to let voters know the candidates positions on various issues, like this one from Phil Gramm: ³I was a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution. And as president, I want to finish the Reagan Revolution.² Sometimes, no comment is necessary. The site has its own cabinet, filled by people like Johnny Steele, Minister of Rants; Nate Hale, Minister of Treason; and Will Durst, Minister of Caustic Commentary. Each ³Minister² has his or her own opinions to offer, and they're not all as left-leaning as the general tenor of the site. Also, look for "The Noah Letters," a correspondence between common citizen Noah Fillmore and the various candidates about their positions on the issues, published exclusively on this site. Mr. Weintraub has big plans for Scampaign '96. ³ We hope to use the site as a springboard to establish a permanent comical journalistic presence.² Inform and entertain, with cynicism and justice for all.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Gay and Lesbian Utah Democrats
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Blue Grrrl
This is a nice example of how to disseminate information about a political organization. Not only does GLUD (Gay and Lesbian Utah Democrats) provide ample info about the group, with contact information and instructions on how to join, it also has some original content. GLUD has plenty of news clippings, updates about hot issues, and an action alert section to keep activists busy and informed.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Feminist Majority Foundation
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Blue Grrrl
While this may not be the best non-profit women¹s site (it proudly displays this award from Impact Online), it is the best feminist resource site I¹ve found. News, urgent action alerts, links to university resources, online zines, and additional feminist Web sites are well-presented in a snazzy HTML package ‹ with forms, tables, image maps, etc. The ³911² section is outstanding, with links to domestic violence and sexual harassment resources. It¹s regularly updated and should be a very important item on any feminist¹s bookmark list.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Republican Main Street
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Blue Grrrl
While most of us are completely bored with the main street/town hall/cyber community metaphor found on far too many Web sites, ³Republican Main Street² pulls it off quite gracefully ‹ it¹s graphically strong and never overbearing. It¹s a site for all things Republican: video clips of Republicans on TV, regular updates on the Republican National Convention, bulletin boards, guestbooks, and live chats for starters. Especially interesting is the ³school² section, which illustrates the history of the party and how to run for office. Well done.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Hawai¹i -- Independent and Sovereign
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: Yes
Author: Patrick Joseph
I must admit, I would not have been inclined to take this site seriously were it not so well done. For anyone interested in online activism, nationalism, direct democracy, or even just the land under their feet -- the *aina* as Native Hawaiians call it -- this site is a required stop. The case and the cause are stated here in no uncertain terms: ³In 1893, the United States illegally overthrew the Hawaiian government. Until today, the Hawaiian people lack a recognized form of self-governance. In 1996, we have a choice. The Native Hawaiian Vote asks all Hawaiians, 18 and over, in Hawaii`i and oversees - ŒShall the Hawaiian people elect delegates to propose a native Hawaiian Government?¹² Not a pressing question for us *haolis*, but before you dismiss the notion pretentious and delusional, (as Newt Gingrich has), you may want to review some of the material here. For instance, did you know that the United States Government has formally apologized for the overthrow of Hawaii¹s last monarch, Queen Liliuokalani? (Students of history may recall that the queen acquiesced only under duress.) There is at least one international legal expert who thinks that the wording of the apology could provide grounds for secession and independence. And while I concede that it¹s unlikely to happen, I was impressed by this electronic plea for independence on several counts. First of all, the site is lovingly constructed, with all the latest gadgetry in place; Frames and animations have been put to fine use here. Secondly, the graphic design, while by no means a showstopper, is a serviceable platform for the information, and competent enough to attract the idle Web surfer. Finally, and most importantly, however, the argument for sovereignty is convincingly thorough and presented in a tone that is serious without ever becoming hostile. In fact, the tenor of the site is vaguely reminiscent of Bob Marley¹s music: hopeful and defiant without being bitter. And for those who think of ³virtual communities² as comprised of people with diverse backgrounds from around the globe, this is a fine counterpoint: A real world, cohesive community using the Internet as a central medium, a meeting place, a virtual piece of turf, and a rallying point. I have no idea how many Native Hawaiians check in with the site or even support the cause, but the foundation is in place and its solid. Time, I guess, to raise the flag and see who salutes.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Newt Watch
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve LeVine
If you¹re one of those who feels that the ³Newt² named Gingrich is an affront to amphibians everywhere, you¹ll be much amused by this humorous, content-filled, and well-drawn site. The Monty-Python-Through-the-Looking-Glass graphics engage the eye as well as the text engages the mind. There are pointed critiques of Newt¹s positions, full texts of all of the ethics complaints against him, and lists of many of his individual and PAC contributors. Gawk at Newt¹s ³Toadies²--twenty freshman congresspersons who vote in lock-step with him. In case you miss the point, these Republican Revolutionaries¹ heads morph into a grinning Gingrich right before your eyes. Slither on, Newt!
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

The Electronic Policy Network
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: Yes
Author: Lauren Guzak
HMO, BCCI, NGO, HUD... the flood of acronyms at The Electronic Policy Network (EPN) bodes well for those in search of substantive political reportage. Article after article is packed with hard-hitting leftist analysis of just about every political issue on the map -- ready to waylay conservatives with in-depth research and good old-fashioned common sense. There are four sections at the site: Economics & Politics, Welfare & Families, Civic Participation and Health Policy. Each addresses the myriad issues central to the current political, economic and social state of our country, that go generally underreported in the mainstream media. The depth, density, and quality of the information at EPN suggests that it will remain outside the ken of most Americans. Once you branch out to any one of the four sections you¹ll find refreshingly substantive articles like "The Taxophobes Strike Again." It¹s a paper from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities which methodically dissects and refutes a report from the conservative Tax Foundation. Every April 15th this organization puts out a report on the average total tax rate for the nation. The Foundation turns this average rate into a bold and catchy statistic. This year they claim that the average worker will have to work nearly two hours and 47 minutes out of each eight hour workday just to earn enough money to pay all of his taxes. But the article at EPN argues convincingly that the methodology and data used by the Tax Foundation are faulty, and tend to reflect the minority perspective of wealthy Americans over those of average means. According to "The Taxophobes Strike Again," in fact, the typical American works 39 minutes of an eight-hour workday (or about a month out of the year) to pay federal income tax. But don¹t take my version of events: Read the article to get the blow-by-blow ( Navigationally, the site at first seems to be a chaotic roll of the dice; on the EPN home page, there are simply too many options. Modeled after a subway map with different lines running to a multitude of stops is a little daunting. But, as with any schematic, the sense of chaos quickly dissipates and the confusion is short-lived. Quickly enough the analogy becomes an engaging road map to the site and its contents. "Providing you with timely information and leading ideas about national policy and politics," EPN leaves no stone unturned, no myth intact -- it's definitely not for those in search of lightweight political pabulum.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

All Politics
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Gary Barker
All Politics is a joint venture between Time-Warner and, um, well now that you mention it, Time-Warner. Turner Broadcasting was in there somewhere, but then Time-Warner consumed them like a tasty morsel. So, nevermind. Anyway, this attractive and informative site is updated daily and contains US political news, analysis, commentary, polls, games, hot topics, audio clips, video clips, a search engine and more. There's enough content here to drown in. One complaint: They seem to have left out the audio clip of Bob Dole saying "Pinch me, but..." I really wanted that one.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Impact Online
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
Want to volunteer? Want to make an impact? Start by looking for organizations, people and information here at Impact Online, a clearinghouse for groups that strive to make a difference. You can browse the site or search for topics that interest you. There are groups dealing with political, environmental, education, health issues and more. In addition, you will soon be able to purchase goods from "socially responsible businesses". If you search by person you can see short profiles of people who have registered. Organizations can also register here and be listed.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Clinton/Gore 96
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
Presidential politics and propaganda, Web-style! This is the official site of the Campaign for the Reelection of the President, and it¹s replete with all kinds of information on the campaign. There are nifty graphics: a scrolling news window, a slide show, a big picture of old glory flying proud, and some downloadable pictures and movies. The color scheme here is red, white, and blue all over. There¹s a campaign volunteer of the week (picture and bio included ) and downloadable images you can include in your own home page (buttons, pictures, etc.) The most plentiful items are the mounds of press releases -- get ready to read all the best news about this fine nation of ours and guess who takes credit for it? Our man, Clinton. You can get state-by-state rundowns on how Clinton made your home state great, but it all boils down to roughly the same info spiel. As handsome as this site is, it¹s the kind of thing that makes you yearn for the days before TV and computers.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 18

Skeleton Closet
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: David Pescovitz
The dirt is what drives us. In this Closet is a beautiful summary of the allegations and confirmed scandals surrounding our glorious leaders and those who want to be. Get insight into Bob Dole¹s short fuse, Clinton¹s Whitewater past, and Newt¹s rubber checks. With plenty of information and, most importantly, a comprehensive list of sources for the tidbits, the Skeleton Closet is where I¹ll be hanging my hat during the fall of 1996, when things really start to get interesting.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Web Active
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
Take an activist approach to the Web with this site for the Caesar Chavez in all of us. Web Active scans the Web for politically savvy and informative sites. The editors here make a special effort to identify grassroots causes and efforts, and feature them on the site. Here you can take a Real Audio trip inside the heads of Web editors wanting to make a difference, like the infamous Guerrilla Girls or the executive director of Hands Net , Sam Karp. There¹s a section just for lynx-only users, and a list of activist projects you can participate in such as saving Mt. Graham or protesting the pending execution of journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Web Review
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
Web Review focuses in on sites that utilize the Internet as a way to disseminate information. One recent article outlines how certain reports from the Gulf War snuck onto the Web, while being ignored by the traditional media. Another columnist picks apart a Christian group's allegations of child porn available on CompuServe. Most of the articles and site reviews on Web Review are not political in nature, but are concerned with technology news. However, as Congress begins to legislate conduct on the net, look to Web Review for extensive coverage of the issues.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

ACLU Freedom Network
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
This database from the ACLU is a dream come true for law students, activists and everyday citizens who want to know more about an issue before heading to the voting booths. You can read about the latest trials and news related to school prayer, AIDs discrimination, the death penalty, and reproductive rights. Every section has a link to press releases, Associated Press news headlines, other Web sites, and a summary of the history behind the issues. Voters can see an overview of congressional attitudes and the general tone of Congress. Students can download "Express Yourself: The First Amendment," a unique interactive software program which explores freedom of speech as it relates to students today.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Turn Left
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve LeVine
Hang a louie and get inducted into the realm of unabashed liberals rallying for the comeback of Œ96. Start with the basics--a concise list of political labels, from Anarchist to Fascist. Find new friends among an alphabetical index of other confirmed lefties; rate the Congress; evaluate Clinton and the Demo¹s as they put their best digital foot forward; link to leftist E-zines, special causes, international progressive sites, and such oddballs as Mothers Against Jesse (Helms) in Congress and Republicans for Clinton. Comes with its own interactive, threaded BBS and a message board for posting your thoughts. This site gives the L-word a good name--Mike Dukakis, are you watching?
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

The Daily Muse
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Karen Wickre
No cow is too sacred for The Daily Muse, an irreverent compendium of one-liners, wry links and anti-establishment musings on the American political scene. Whether you¹re rooting for Dole, Clinton, Lamm, or None Of The Above, the Muse is bound to win your vote. (Quasi-political notables and wannabes like Colin Powell, Steve Forbes, Hillary Rodham, Ross Perot all come in for some joshing too.) But wait, there¹s more: Worldly, Bubba, and Sporting Muses, among others, are your links to other eminently teasable subjects, lying in wait to tickle your political funnybone.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Democracy Place, U.S.A.
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Karen Wickre
Designed for the civic-minded, Democracy Place is part of a large foundation project to keep citizens informed about the electoral process, and how journalism intersects with politics. There are useful essays and articles on civic journalism, links to voter participation sites and media resources. You¹ll even find results and citations from recent national opinion polls, and an excellent ³Community Center² providing election info, issues, registration and election calendars, and other voter guides. If you like feeling informed and involved, make your place Democracy Place.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Boston Review
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Karen Wickre
This bimonthly ³left center gravity magazine of ideas² serves a hearty meal, in largely textual format, of provocative, wide-ranging articles, reviews, and essays. BR even offers literary critiques and fiction, a growing ³Democracy Reader² (highlights of past issues grouped thematically), and a ³Greatest Hits² page (the BR anthology within). Topics range from the flat tax to the future of the labor movement to the state of lesbian fiction. BR is quiet and thoughtful -- an excellent read that takes you away from the noisy, crowded Web. There¹s an author index and search tool for back issues.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

CNN-Time All Politics
URL: Political
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Ananda Nada
The result of corporate collaboration, this site efficiently updates American political stories on a daily basis, with crosslinked documents allowing you to skip from a campaign-trail headline, say, to a sound file of a speech. Categories like Candidates, Analysis and Polls give order to the in-depth coverage. Among the various modes of news media available herein, the most engaging is surely the e-mail correspondence of journalists dogging a hot lead. The single pull-down menu that links you to the site's exhaustive new archives is very convenient and there's also a search engine to help you navigate this sinkhole of information.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Ananda Nada
Publius is a cross-country foray into the lives of "real Americans," whose feelings it proposes to tap for a consensus on the state of the nation. Updating their itinerary as they go, our non-partisan navigators are coming to your hometown in hopes that you'll join them for a bit of interactivity. During my uplink, their weekly notebook featured an amusing deconstruction of Independence Day, filled with pointers to places such as the White House. Another page is devoted to your "political statements," and CU-SeeMe and RealAudio have been implemented in hopes of broadcasting live from the campaign trail.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

The Nature Conservancy
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
This is not your average bunch of tree-huggers. What Nature Conservancy does is buy land where wildlife may be struggling to survive. They provide sanctuaries where animals can thrive and people can visit. They now have 9 million acres of ³safe² land all around the world. If their cause moves you, you¹re invited to join the organization online. Aside from the membership stuff, there is plenty to read up on; educate yourself on the plight of nearly extinct animals from exotic locales and learn what the Nature Conservancy has done to help. The nature shots are beautiful, by the way. You can also find links to Usenet groups that cater to hiking, fishing, and birding enthusiasts. Yes, I said birding.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Net Vote `96
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Patrick Joseph
Along the same lines as the *Rock the Vote* campaign, the Net Vote `96 page from MCI allows for online voter registration, reportedly ³netting² a thousand new voters in the first 24 hours. (*Now, I¹m all for getting out the vote, and I salute the people who are working to make it easier, but rhetorically I wonder whether people who can¹t be bothered to go down to the post office or fire station to register should be allowed to vote in the first place? I know I¹ll catch hell for that sentiment, but ... *) The other main feature of the site is a political poll restricted to high school students (passwords required) wherein they can register their opinions on the issues. Results from the surveys will be posted at the site. It could be interesting.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Sandra Stewart
If you¹re not already a policy junkie, this one-shot fix combining daily and weekly featured topics, policy news, briefings on a wide range of subjects, and fingertip access to a broad range of viewpoints might just turn you into one. Click on the current Issue of the Week or any the archived past issues to get a layout of various positions, or drop into the Issues Forum for summaries of books and briefings on a long list of topics. Every reference is linked to a source, and the site also hooks you up to think tanks, advocacy groups, state and local governments, unions, trade organizations, and expert chats on MSN¹s Policy Street. Good stuff.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 17

Campaign for Broadcast Competition
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
This is a single-issue site dedicated to stopping the 'corporate welfare' nature of the televised airway giveaways. Major broadcasters are lobbying Congress seeking to have the spectrum allotment for TV doubled and the new space given away. Consumer advocates are understandably upset by this proposal, and are pushing for an auction of the new spectrum space--an auction guaranteed to raise billions for the government. This page clearly outlines the issue and what you, the taxpayer, can do to voice an opinion. If you are outraged by the broadcasters' proposal, do check this site out.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Simon Wiesenthal Center
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
Located in Los Angeles, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is an international center for Holocaust remembrance and human rights. Visitors to this page find an extensive introduction to the museum and its mission. In addition to on-line tours, museum schedules and such, extensive information is available on such relevant topics as Holocaust revisionism. Excellent layout and interesting content, in addition to the historical significance of its subject matter, make this site well-worth visiting. Much of the site is available in a variety of languages besides English, making this a truly international space as befits one with so grim an inspiration.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

The Fourth World Documentation Project
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Tom Geller
Q: There are about 200 states in the world. How many nations are there? A: Over 5,000, according to this site, which uses the term ³Fourth World² to describe groups which have been forcibly acculturated into more-powerful governments. While the Chippewa and Aleuts may be familiar (and comparatively easy to track), the FWDP carries extensive archives on lesser-known native peoples of the world as well. There¹s a slight emphasis on indigenous peoples of the U.S., but you¹ll also find plenty on tribes in such places as Sweden and Peru. Includes a search engine.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Center for Public Integrity
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Tom Geller
It¹s hard to examine politics without being partisan, but the Center for Public Integrity ‹ dedicated to documenting the influences weighing on presidential candidates ‹ does a pretty good job of it. They primarily release findings in books and newsletters, but unlike most publishers¹ Web sites, the CPI¹s documents are available here in toto. Read about the hundreds of campaign advisors (and their hidden agendas) in the 1996 presidential race, or download a database of candidates¹ assets. Unfortunately, the designer¹s love of graphics makes for long waits, and navigation can get a bit tricky in places.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

GOP In-Fighting Updates
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Lauren Guzak
In Parliamentary systems, party solidarity is rudimentary. In the US, party factionalism is de rigueur. The GOP In-Fighting Updates began a few days after the Republican sweep of the 1994 elections and received so much support and interest that it has become an "on-going commentary on the GOP Civil War." It¹s a collection of some 100 essays, covering the volatile GOP coalition of religious extremists, social reactionaries, fiscal conservatives, and moderates. With titles like ³Dissent and Dissentability² and ³Rank-and-File Also Rejects GOP's Pandering to the Religious Reich² this is good grist for the mill.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Campaign for Broadcast Competition
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
This is a single-issue site dedicated to stopping the 'corporate welfare' nature of the televised airway giveaways. Major broadcasters are lobbying Congress seeking to have the spectrum allotment for TV doubled and the new space given away. Consumer advocates are understandably upset by this proposal, and are pushing for an auction of the new spectrum space--an auction guaranteed to raise billions for the government. This page clearly outlines the issue and what you, the taxpayer, can do to voice an opinion. If you are outraged by the broadcasters' proposal, do check this site out.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Simon Wiesenthal Center
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
Located in Los Angeles, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is an international center for Holocaust remembrance and human rights. Visitors to this page find an extensive introduction to the museum and its mission. In addition to on-line tours, museum schedules and such, extensive information is available on such relevant topics as Holocaust revisionism. Excellent layout and interesting content, in addition to the historical significance of its subject matter, make this site well-worth visiting. Much of the site is available in a variety of languages besides English, making this a truly international space as befits one with so grim an inspiration.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

The Conservative Corner
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
This is another political site that is limited to links, without any original content. Now, I know hard disk space isn¹t expensive, so what¹s wrong with including some onsite material? Even Yahoo! is carrying news articles. The home page here is, at least, interesting. All the links have picture icons to represent their sections. The picture of Reagan is a bit tasteless, considering his current mental condition, and the picture of Limbaugh is just plain ugly. ³Conservative Corner² is a misnomer, though, because most of these links are representative of ³neo-Conservatism,² which became popular in the 1980s.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
You¹ve got to admire this group for its bravery. Not many people could stand the various degrees of ostracism an openly gay person would receive from conservative Republicans, and Utah is not really known for its tolerance. But these folks have a FAQ on the site that explains how they want to subvert the intolerant aspects of the Republican party from within. The pages all seem to have pretty nice backgrounds, and there¹s a form that allows you to join the club online.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

The Flag-Burning Page
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
It¹s no surprise that this incredibly provocative page has grown so much and been the subject of incessant debate and media attention. The purpose of the page is not to gratuitously burn a flag, as some might think, but to provide a rallying point for opposition to a constitutional amendment (which has been in the works since 1989) to prevent flag burning. And a lot of people on the Internet apparently take it in that spirit, which has lead to a lively discussion archived here. But the really fun stuff to read are the flames that have been sent to the creator of this site.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Secret History of the United States 1962 1995
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Blue Grrrl
Any site boasting to reveal secrets is A.O.K by me! And secrets about U.S. history are even more entertaining, as the small details that link assassins to Hollywood to dead presidents and UFOs have always been especially fascinating. While this site may not boast an extraordinary repertoire of HTML bells and whistles (no color, no tricks, and few stylie graphics), it¹s phat with interesting text and links. Search the site by major topics ‹ Nuclear, UFOs, Drugs, National Debt, and civil rights, or click on a year. The site creator also built the conspiracy pages at, go figure.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Voyager Guerrilla Girls
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: David Pescovitz
For almost a decade, the Guerrilla Girls have been wheat-pasting healthy doses of post-feminist modernist agit-prop onto buildings, poles, and the minds of the world. Using their trademark creative approach of targeting sexism, physical abuse, and any ³boys club² that emerges with irony and DTP, the Guerrilla Girls have risen to the New Media occasion with this Web site.The site is a clean, elegant archive of their posters ‹ political art that also serves as a catalog of this decade¹s fight for women¹s equality. As their slogan states, the Guerrilla Girls ³could be anyone. We are everywhere.² Be ready.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

New World Media Digital Alternative Media
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: David Pescovitz
The work of Noam Chomsky, dissident, semanticist, media analyst, and all-around smart guy, is the basis for this page. Abundant on the site are theories about using digital tools to generate and spread content while circumventing the big boy media playground. Also worth your time is an interactive version of Chomsky¹s classic ³Manufacturing Consent² and a quick scan of the comprehensive Chomsky archives. The anarchists behind this digital curtain are ready to undermine mainstream agendas using their enemy¹s own methods of media manipulation. As William Gibson wrote in Neuromancer, ³the street finds its own use for things.²
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

The Perot Periodical
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
The rich business man gone political candidate is not without representation on the Web. The Perot Periodical, an independent quarterly, tracks Perot, his United We Stand America movement, and other independents in politics. Read why Perot has such a following in an age where people choose to trust millionaires over politicians. This journal does its best to look at the truth behind Perot's hyped political campaign and analyze why so many voters were interested in his "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" approach to leadership. Other articles explore why Perot's image haunts the 1996 elections and how Libertarians think Perot uses the fourth party as a "Rich Man's Plaything."
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

National Rifle Association
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve LeVine
An issue as complex as gun control deserves that all sides be heard. I¹ve never been a big fan of the NRA, but their version of the story is argued compellingly and quite convincingly here. Download speeches, statistics, voter registration information, the latest news (with no pretense of objectivity), or e-mail your representative pro-gun propaganda. This site is very engaging, bursting with links, and has just about as much point-and-click action as you can get without pulling triggers. If this page is any indication, the NRA has definitely got its act together. Here¹s hoping the other side does too.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

International Indian Treaty Council
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Ananda Nada
These fascinating pages represent the IITC's ongoing project to confirm the rights of Indigenous Peoples around the world. At the heart of this site you'll find the complete text of the UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. After 13 years of work, with the input of thousands of Indigenous Peoples and hundreds of Indigenous Nations and organizations, the draft has been referred to the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, where it's presently under consideration. The weave of cross-linked documents generated by the struggle for self-determination makes for potentially exciting writing in this age of diminished political expectations.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Ananda Nada
Every month, students, journalists, farmers and scientists contribute to Greenbeat!, an e-zine of environmental endeavors. With disturbing clarity, the June issue details how acts of nature and Congress are making 1996 one of the worst agricultural years in history. Back issues focusing on air quality, waste water, and so forth are archived. Greenbeat! also points you to a vast number of environmental concerns on the Web, as well as career opportunities in Texas and the nation at large. Interactivity is encouraged. As for design, Greenbeat! becomes all but invisible as the content comes to the fore.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Gary Barker
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is dedicated to protecting and promoting the civil liberties of Internet denizens. Working to guarantee the free flow of information both public and private, the EFF is poised on the outside edge of digital media law. They led opposition to the "Clipper Chip" and the Communications Decency Act, fought the Church of Scientology, and created the online Blue Ribbon Campaign against censorship. Anyone who spends time online has been affected by the efforts of the EFF, and their site is well worth your time, if you care about your rights.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Christian Coalition Interactive
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Excellent
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
Before entering the site you're given a shakedown: use Netscape with these margins or else! Once inside, the shakedown continues. The Christian Coalition is a conservative organization formed to preach their brand of Christian values (read Republican values). They are active in many political fronts fighting for the Christian cause. Every day, there are news items and updates on continuing stories of interest to the CC community. They also have a "non-partisan" (yeah, right) voter guide that includes congressional scorecards that list issues important to the CC like the cleverly worded "Promoting Homosexuality to School Children" and "Taxpayer Funded Pornography.² Each congressperson is essentially graded on whether they voted along with the CC or not. The "Family Resources" page has no real resources unless you want to buy books, tapes, pins, magazines and games--for a suggested "donation". If only all "non-partisan" organizations were this fair and even-handed.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

Unofficial Ralph Nader for President
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Unknown
Although he stands something like a snowball¹s chance in hell of being elected president, Ralph Nader -- the longtime consumer activist and public gadfly -- is the official candidate of the underdog Green Party ( There is some question as to whether Mr. Nader supports the party¹s platform, but then Mr. Dole says he hasn¹t even looked at the Republican version. You can, however, read *The Concord Principles*, Nader¹s own credo here and access interviews with the man. If you like what you hear, the creator¹s of the site ask you to cast your vote in the 3rd Party Central Ballot Box at ( When I looked, Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate (, led the ³independents,² with Nader running second.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

American Kurdish Info Network
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Dorrit Tulane Walsh
Although Kurds, ³the world¹s largest stateless people,² inhabit a few countries, this site¹s focuses those in Turkey. The site is overflowing with information on the Kurdish struggle against the Turkish government. AKIN¹s goals are clearly stated, and you can also look through numerous articles (many from major media sources), including information on Leyla Zana, the first Kurdish woman elected to the Turkish Parliament, who¹s currently serving a treason sentence for attending a conference on Turkish human rights violations. There¹s also a section (click on the map of Kurdistan) of basic facts and figures, and some disturbing photos of Kurd persecution.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 16

An Unofficial Republican Homepage
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
These are curious days, indeed, when political parties inspire fan sites. This is an unofficial Republican party home page, a fan site which distinguishes itself by being enjoyable to visit and useful. Great graphics only accentuate the clear organization of the extensive and varied content. Numerous related links and extensive contact information for state-level Republican organizations throughout the country make this a valuable resource for anyone surfing for political information. It was especially pleasing to see a conservative attack on the Communications Decency Act; no matter your opinion of Republicans, these guys are on the correct side of the CDA issue.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Eagle Forum - Phyllis Schlafly
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum is now on the Web--some of the most reactionary individuals in contemporary politics have found a home in cyberspace. Most people know Schlafly through her tireless opposition to the ERA; this site is an excellent introduction to her other political activities. News from Capitol Hill, an archive of Schlafly's editorial columns, Eagle Forum information and more--though the politics may offend some, this is a thoughtfully-presented and visually appealing site. Why is it that the Right always manages to present its opinions and material in a format much more slick and accessible than anything offered by the Left?
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Government is Not God
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Tom Geller
Did you know that prayer is banned in public schools? It isn¹t, actually, but that erroneous belief is the basis for the ³Government is Not God² political action committee led by born-again Christian, William Murray, son of famed atheist leader Madalyn Murray O'Hair (!). Accuracy aside, the Web site is well-organized, although the writing has the same propagandist flavor that taints most political cant. Buttons are unclear in some places, and there are few links to the outside world. Still, if you have $25 or more burning a hole in your pocket and want to help elect ³godly men,² this may be your oasis.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

An Unofficial Republican Homepage
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
These are curious days, indeed, when political parties inspire fan sites. This is an unofficial Republican party home page, a fan site which distinguishes itself by being enjoyable to visit and useful. Great graphics only accentuate the clear organization of the extensive and varied content. Numerous related links and extensive contact information for state-level Republican organizations throughout the country make this a valuable resource for anyone surfing for political information. It was especially pleasing to see a conservative attack on the Communications Decency Act; no matter your opinion of Republicans, these guys are on the correct side of the CDA issue.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Eagle Forum - Phyllis Schlafly
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve Szyszko
Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum is now on the Web--some of the most reactionary individuals in contemporary politics have found a home in cyberspace. Most people know Schlafly through her tireless opposition to the ERA; this site is an excellent introduction to her other political activities. News from Capitol Hill, an archive of Schlafly's editorial columns, Eagle Forum information and more--though the politics may offend some, this is a thoughtfully-presented and visually appealing site. Why is it that the Right always manages to present its opinions and material in a format much more slick and accessible than anything offered by the Left?
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
The big question is: Do links count as content? To a degree, yes. It¹s something like 1/20th of a point for each link. So, Republicans Web Central has content because it has lots of links. The pastel background is kind of ugly, and the pictures of Republican candidates for President don¹t help the aesthetics much. The home page is particularly uninspired, featuring a title and four links. On the positive side, though, all the links seem to work.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Brian's Progressive Pages
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
A site for left-barking watchdogs. This page offers articles and links on ³patriots,² militias, and the all-around Far Right. There are a good number of links to other sites, and a good sampling of reports from respectable sources. While the site could use more links on a broader range of issues, those wishing to monitor the right side of the Web may find it an interesting starting point.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

The Political NewsTalk Network
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
An online presence for a cable TV network, this site archives excerpts from interviews and rants that occur on the network¹s shows. Not exactly original content, but interesting. The site claims to be anti-establishment, and implies that it is just as critical of Republicans as it is of Democrats. A little closer reading of the material on the site, though, reveals an ugly conservative bias, with essays equating the Dred Scott decision, whicih affirmied slavery in the nineteenth century, with Roe vs. Wade. Plenty of outlandish illogic worthy of Rush Limbaugh.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Democratic National Committee
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Wayne Cunningham
This Web organ of the Democratic Party is pretty good, covering a lot of different areas of Democratic activity. Democratic political victories, an event that has become kind of rare, are featured on the home page. Areas of content include organizations, what¹s new, and contact info for all Democratic legislators. Hot topics, such as this year¹s budget battle, are covered with an obviously pro-Demo slant, and a form is provided to join online (all major credit cards accepted).
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

The Alternative Group
Category: Political
Issue: 0596
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: David Pescovitz
O.K. Listen up... Gen Xers don¹t just spend their time eating Oreos and watching Brady Bunch reruns! Some of us *are* political and ready to grab Washington by its ties to make a difference. TAG promises to become a non-partisan filter and clearinghouse supporting practical public policy and discourse between the young people who will feel the effects of today¹s government, tomorrow. Most of this new site is still under construction, but TAG hopefully will become a powerful political launching point offering news analysis, links to relevant sites, and suggestions for action. Choose or lose, baby.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Sinn Fein
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
Most of us get little exposure to the Northern Ireland conflict outside a few reports of car bombing incidents. Sinn Fein is the one of oldest political parties in Ireland and, now with a Web presence, hopes to enlighten the outside world as to the history behind the conflict and the current state of Irish politics. You can read about the Irish revolution, here, or for a recent update of political events, have a look at the weekly Republican newspaper, An Phoblacht/Republican News. In the Election Headquarters, visitors can vote in polls on various issues.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

The Brookings Institute
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
The nation's oldest think tank, the Brookings Institute, functions as an independent governmental analyst and critic. Political pundits can read recent work by Brookings scholars on current topics such as capitalism in Peru, educational standards in America, and the future of the nation's capital. Other articles and documents at The Brookings Institute site showcase alternative solutions to country¹s problems. Visitors to the site can also read research report summaries from scholars interested in various aspects of social reform.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

A Guide to the U.S. Congress
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve LeVine
Quick -- name your congresspersons...if you¹ve ever hesitated to answer this question, maybe you should peruse CapWeb¹s guide to Capitol Hill. Once inside the Beltway, your options are a tour of the House, Senate, Library of Congress, related D.C. attractions (like the Smithsonian Museum) as well as links to the judicial and executive branches. Pin down your senator on her latest speech, review your congressman¹s official positions topic by topic, critique their haircuts, educational credentials, military portfolio, and grinning family members; then e-mail Œem direct! When you get tired of all the red-white-and-blue pages, download some of the fabulous black-and-white historical images and movies in the Library of Congress¹ huge digital inventory.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Free Tibet
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Daniel Alarcon
³Free Tibet!² is perhaps the least understood political slogan in the United States. I can¹t say that I knew anything about Tibet beforehand, so this site was really interesting. No gimmicks, no flashy tech tricks, just lots of information, text, speeches, history, and all that stuff, well-organized and accessible. The built-in search capability is a great feature. View messages from the Dalai Lama, date and time of the next solidarity event, or read current events from the other side of this increasingly tiny planet of ours. Very nice page.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Fidel `96
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: Yes
Author: Patrick Joseph
Funnier than an exploding cigar (except in large segments of South Florida, where the humor tends to get lost in translation), the Fidel `96 site hinges its running political satire on one simple platform: Elect Fidel Castro President of the United States. The last commie holdout in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba has been a thorn in our sides since our man, Batista, got the heave-ho. Even today, Cuba plays a major part in the national debate. Jesse Helms, for one, has made a career of loathing *el presidente*, and even before JFK played the chilling game of brinkmanship with Kruschev, Cuba was an American obsession, calling up romantic images of nights on the *malecon*, Hemingway, and cigars. Damn, if we could only smoke those cigars! Maybe that¹s it: maybe we just hate that bastard Castro for taunting us with those damned *puro finos*, immune not only to counterinsurgencies, but to something as fundamental as lung cancer. He¹s been laughing at us and our *yanqui* preoccupations with every drag. But while Washington fixates on our island neighbor, the populace at home has turned increasingly ugly. Talk of revolution seems to be on the lips of Americans everywhere, from disaffected suburban kids, to armed-to-the-teeth militias, to the volatile urban underclass. At Fidel `96, they suggest you vent those frustrations at the voting booth and elect the old enemy as Commander-in-Chief. It¹s an idea that makes Oswald¹s *Fair Play for Cuba* look downright diplomatic in comparison, and yet...well, it doesn¹t sound so bad when you think about it. Consider the site¹s run-down of Castro on the issues: He¹s tough on crime, pro-literacy, and he¹s no wimp like Bush and Clinton. And on as hot a topic special interests? ³A lifelong foe of special interests,² the site reminds us, ³he nationalized every major industry.² To see what kind of response this seditious line of humor engenders, check out the stringed BBS. You can even put in your own two cents worth (be warned, though: it gets ugly). And while Castro hasn¹t announced his candidacy yet, you can join the campaign or even support the cause with your dollars: check out campaign merchandise, especially the colorful Fidel `96 bubble gum cigars. A popular item in Miami, I¹m sure.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Durst Online
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Karen Wickre
San Franciscans follow progressive political comic Will Durst in several media (TV, radio, and print; frequent live performances, too). Now Working Assets, the socially responsible financial service, offers a Daily Dose of Durst for the amusement for good-humored progressive sorts of folks. Durst shoots off a quick paragraph of commentary on a national issue or two, ranging from the latest Dole campaign snafu to the ongoing failure of campaign finance reform. There¹s an archive of past Durst bursts available by date.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Let ŒEm Starve!
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Patrick Joseph
This page is one-joke spoof on the Republican party, taking the conservative message a half a step further with the ³Let `em Starve² theme song for Campaign `96. The erstwhile anthem¹s lyrics are cynical and funny, sure, but predictable: ³If your daddy's gone and your mama's on crack, you should have the moral fiber to stay on the track.² Reminds me of the song from the movie, *Bob Roberts* <>: ³... and they complain, and complain, and complain, and complain...² It¹s been done, is all I¹m saying. You can listen via Real Audio or download a WAV file. There are some carefully chosen links and a mock interview with a ³Republican strategist,² as well. Worth a visit, but not much else.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Free Burma
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Ananda Nada
This site is simply a gateway to resources promoting the establishment of democracy in Burma. An evolving directory provides a networking tool for the Burma support community, listing people and institutions whose decisions will influence the country's future. Choose paths from a list that endeavors to link all serious and like-minded webs, including the Burmese Refugee Project and Students for a Democratic Burma. Graphically, the page is tricked out with an anti-pepsi icon and the familiar tickertape javascript that tells you, in this case, to "Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views..."
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Gary Barker
Sometimes, when a Daddy Website and a Mommy Website love each other very much, they decide to make a new, baby Website. That's the case here, sort of. The merging of ElectionLine and PoliticsUSA has created PoliticsNow, the content of which alternates between impressive and lackluster. Clearly, a lot of talented people work long hours every day on PoliticsNow, but it's still drab in many ways. Highlights: A searchable directory of more than 7,000 movers and shakers, an almanac of American politics, a searchable database of political news stories, and the sardonic "Hit List."
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Center for Democracy and Technology
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
The CDT is an organization that was created to protect and fight for all kinds of electronics rights. They strive to make people aware of issues that affect computer-users including free expression online, computer privacy, pending legislation and more. With the recent strikedown of the Communications Decency Act, this was a major source of news. Follow new trends in cyberights too by joining their mailing list. There are always headlines on major stories, follow ups on past stories, news from congress and lawsuits affecting computer users. Don¹t miss the very effective privacy demonstration.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

The Everlasting GOP-Stopper
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
Don't you just hate the Conservative media? Or is it a Liberal media? Oh, whatever. This site is "Your Antidote to the Conservative Media". The Everlasting GOP-Stopper is an almost-weekly magazine dedicated to highlighting inane Republican ideas and quotes, demystifying skewed facts and figures and just generally mocking the conservative right. There is a Hypocrite of the Week feature, along with "classic articles" (only a precious few were available when I visited), not to mention merchandise: GOP-Stopper t-shirts and the like.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Dorrit Tulane Walsh
Mumia Abu-Jamal is black activist and journalist who was convicted of shooting a Pennsylvania policeman in 1982, and sentenced to death for it in 1995. His supporters (including celebrities and politicians from all over the globe) want him off death row, and here you can discover why. The many ³artikels² not only cover the current happenings of the case, but also outline the background. The focus here though, is on what believers can do to help, and the suggested resources are extensive.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

A Personal Diary of The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (1989 - Present)
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Dorrit Tulane Walsh
Nigel Parry, a British writer & photographer, has been living and working in Palestine¹s West Bank since 1989, and here he documents day-to-day life in the university community of Birzeit. The diary entries (many include photos) are a crap shoot, as they vary greatly in content. Some are boring, like the discussion about license plates, others riveting‹in particular, an account of civilians tortured by the Palestinian Security Service (PSS). But as a whole, the diary offers a view of life in the West Bank that you probably won¹t find anywhere else and that¹s makes it worthwhile.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Category: Political
Issue: 0197
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: David Pescovitz
Politix.fix is a soapbox political zine produced by a few driven college-age types who seem to enjoy practicing their poly sci. Unfortunately, every piece on here reads like an essay for a political science class! OK, so I disagree with their belief that TV is poisoning the mind of America's youth and that the V-Chip is the solution. At least that's a topical issue to address. But yet another essay analyzing the Generation X meme? C'mon Politix.fixers, even Gen X *backlash* is tired. Oh well, I suppose the freedom to rant pointlessly is guaranteed in the Constitution too.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 15

Congress in a Nutshell
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Tom Geller
³Congress in a Nutshell² ‹ sounds like a beginner¹s guide, doesn¹t it? But don¹t let the innocuous name fool you: CIN is a place for serious environmentalists to gather ammunition for their legislative fights. There¹s almost no original material here, and the entire archive rests on one page, but that doesn¹t diminish its utility; with more than 100 links to relevant articles and sympathetic organizations, you could spend days wandering the environmental neighborhood. It¹s not the prettiest ¹hood -- scarce graphics and dense text may drive away all but the most dedicated activists -- but a community nonetheless.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Drudge Report
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
Updated about every two days, the Drudge Report delivers basic news coverage from the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune and others, while also offering information from primary sources on anything from recent earthquake readings in San Francisco to overnight ratings for NBC. The Drudge Report digs deep inside the mass of media choices and returns with popular columns such as Daily Variety's Army Archerd, Washington Post's Paul Gigot, and Chicago Tribune's Jim Warren. The Drudge Report also supplies off-the-hall tidbits, such as statistics on how many twentysomethings actually watch the evening news and articles as to why tongue piercing is popular in Los Angeles.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Citizens for a United Canada
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve LeVine
When the upper half of North America threatens to split along post-colonial cultural lines, little notice is taken here, south of the border. It¹s a big deal, however, to Anglophones and Francophones under the Maple Leaf. This nascent page isn¹t much to look at, but as a point of reference for those who would like to research the Unity side of the Quebec¹s issue, it is a useful document. Most of the links are bilingual, and are set up as rhetorical arguments for discussion and review rather than dogmatic fiats. Too serious to break for a Kokanee, eh?
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

The Right Side of the Web
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Steve LeVine
For those who would exhume a pre-senile Ronald Reagan, restore his minions, and resurrect Morning in America, The Right Side of the Web beckons. Here¹s a haven for Gingrich admirers and Limbaugh dittoheads, complete with a sound clip of Rush¹s famous ³caller abortion.² Laugh along at dunderheaded liberals , choke on hilarious O.J.jokes, fly into a rage at hate mail from leftist detractors. Not much here to convince the undecided vote, this club is for right-eous only. A few overlapping graphics and a mixture of sound formats hamper the browse a tad.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Eco-Rating International
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Daniel Alarcon
This page is more an advertisement for a product than a resource for the consumer. There was little of relevance that was actually ³eco-rated², unless you were dying to know about the ecological friendliness of the California vineyards. I was expecting to find environmental report cards on corporations, firms, investments, and products that I had HEARD OF, but instead I encountered arcane explanations of the rating process, with no more than a handful of actual ratings. Taken on its own terms, the site is a good advertisement, compelling arguments are given about the necessity of eco-rating, about the benefit both to the environment and to the bottom line, about blah, blah, and blah, but, (to resurrect an early eighties catch-phrase), WHERE¹S THE BEEF?
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Amnesty International USA
Category: Political
Issue: 1096
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Ananda Nada
This no-frills site publishes Amnesty International's Annual Report as well as frequently updated articles, in English and Spanish, on problems such as New York Police brutality. Its Info section outlines AI's principles and history, soliciting donations and allowing you to fill in a membership form. Detailed reports are available on projects such as the China Campaign. The Freedom Writers page, which provides information on people perceived to be prisoners of conscience is, of course, depressing and, at the risk of seeming naive, might even be useful if it contained mail-tos for relevant bureaucrats.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

The Brown Flu
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Gary Barker
The Brown Flu site may not be pretty, but it packs a whollop by promoting a controversial one-day nationwide sick-out by *Mexicanos* and Mexican-Americans on the day of the Republican National Convention. Organizers say if immigrant-bashers want an economy without immigrant labor, they should get what they wish for, then deal with the consequences. Agribusiness, the service industry, and other key sectors of the economy will come to a halt for one day if the protest succeeds. By the time you read this, of course, you should know how it went.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

The Land of Pitman
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Excellent
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
The home page of Mark Pitcavage, a.k.a Pitman, a self-described historian and freelance writer who specializes in the history of militia in America. But beware: This isn¹t a place for anti-government types to gather (although they probably do visit). This is more of a scholarly place. In fact, Pitman¹s Militia Watchdog page (just a click away) monitors and gathers news about the militia movement in America. Yes, it¹s an anti-Militia page, but anyone interested in American militia groups can find lots of good stuff here. There is a huge, comprehensive militia FAQ, history, some recent news, essays and much more. Aside from the militia, The Land of Pitman has miscellaneous links to his other pages.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Multinational Monitor Online
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Sandra Stewart
Straightforward, searchable by keyword, and clutter free, Multinational Monitor Online is a great site for people seeking specific information on giant corporations and how their activities affect people and the environment. You can search Multinational Monitor back issues available on Web and Gopher sites, link to corporate and public-interest Web sites, and connect to sites providing information on international affairs. Browsers with only a passing interest might feel lost here, however‹you won¹t find sample issues or any background information on the impact and importance of multinational corporations, and the presentation is absolutely no frills.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Propaganda Analysis
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Sandra Stewart
The Institute for Propaganda Analysis sees message dissection as ³an antidote to the excesses of the Information Age,² and it aims to help you cut through the rhetorical fog to see the gears working underneath. The institute¹s researchers have sorted propaganda devices into seven basic techniques in three categories. Here you¹ll find a short discussion of each, including a list of questions to ask yourself when you spot the technique in operation. Examples are drawn from across the political spectrum. The pamphlet promising to teach GOP candidates to ³speak like Newt² proved so fine specimen it merited division into subcategories of its own.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 14

Contract ON America
URL: http://www.Nashville.Net/~coa/
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Good
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Tom Geller
Author Anne-Marie Rosato is letting the world know about the book she¹ll be publishing in June of 1996 called ‹ her capitalization here, not mine ‹ ³Contract ON America.² Besides the fact that this book is about a year too late to be relevant, Ms. Rosato fails to inspire confidence with this site, which contains several minor HTML errors and some unspeakably bad writing. (Sample chapter title: ³Packaging Political Policies or Candidates Is More Than Just A Cereal Box²) And how can a Web site be ³Proudly printed with union labor and on recycled paper²? No outside links.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 13

The Democracy Page
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
This site is a list of links to other sites related to the political process in America. The author starts with the links to important political documents, government agencies, and political science pages. Next you¹ll get links broken down by which amendment of the constitution they discuss. And finally more links, though this time on specific issues. The list is comprehensive, broad ranging, and well selected, but too bad there¹s no original content and the graphics are poor at best.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 13

National Review
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Bonnie J. Burton
William F. Buckley has a home online and it's the Web edition of National Review. Fans of the conservative political magazine can read a small sampling of sections such as Dear Rusty and Crossroads from the latest newsstand issue. The site also offers daily updates and original commentary on issues surrounding the Clinton scandal, the 1996 elections, and income tax relief. Even with the famous columnists and well-written commentary, the site designers should take a look at Townhall, the site the magazine is hosted by for some notion of how stylish a Web magazine can be and see that conservativism does not have to be ugly.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 13

The Unofficial Rush Page
Category: Political
Issue: 0896
Content Quality: Good
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Patrick Joseph
Whether you love him or loathe the fat fellow, he¹s ubiquitous. A page created by the folks at radio station WTAW (who apparently weren¹t satisfied with just putting him on the airwaves), the Unofficial Rush site invites you to listen to sound files of the intro from Rush's radio show or follow an outside link to his tie company. There¹s all the predictable ranting and frothing here. Witness Rush¹s 35 Undeniable Truths: number eight is, "The most beautiful thing about a tree is what you do with it after you cut it down." Me, I guess I¹d fashion a real pretty bat to hit Mr. Limbaugh over the head with.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 13

The American Homeless Society
Category: Political
Issue: 1296
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Sandra Stewart
The intentional irony of The American Homeless Society¹s gateway‹a full-screen blowup of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty (³Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses Š²)‹is sadly wasted on this hodgepodge of a site. Long on bombast and short on substance, the site issues a call to arms in the war against homelessness, but offers no information on the extent, causes, and nature of the problem, nor much in the way of potential solutions. The AHS National Archives‹a collection of letters and press releases‹are unindexed, and the links to various religious and ethnic sites have no apparent relevance to the subject at hand.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 13

Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Lauren Guzak
EXTRA! is the bimonthly magazine of Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), a progressive national media watchdog which exposes media bias and imbalance. While the print version of EXTRA! is both informative and visually entertaining, EXTRA! online is a dud. The site is aesthetically dry--with gray backgrounds and cruddy graphics--and content is woefully inadequate. An unexciting table of contents for each issue, lots of not-so-titillating abstracts, and too few of the in-depth, thoroughly researched articles that EXTRA! is famous for (and these are back issues, no less!) all contribute to this one¹s failure.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 12

Gun Info
Category: Political
Issue: 0996
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Daniel Alarcon
Sites like this one are a resource for researchers, but offer very little to anyone else. Gun Info is a more of a bibliography than an independent store of info. As such it¹s a decent place to start, but the real material is elsewhere. Card catalogue sites like this are dissapointing; it¹s just easier to go to the library, where they actually have the books, not just the titles and publishing dates. But follow the nearest Web-based link out of this page and you¹re bound to find what your looking for.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 12

Floor Activities
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Gary Barker
This web site is utterly and comprehensively devoid of charm or personality, with gray backgrounds, long, unbroken scrolls of type, and a broken promise of streaming audio leading only to an error message: "There is no document by that name available at the requested location." The only semi-interesting thing here is a live video feed provided by cable TV network C-SPAN. If you're a political science major you might have reason care that "Mr. Bereuter moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, as amended." But nobody else does.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 12

Organization of American States
Category: Political
Issue: 1196
Content Quality: Poor
Aesthetic Quality: Poor
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jose Alvear
Only true fans of the OAS will find this place interesting, and even they will have to dig for the good stuff. Man, but it¹s dry. Depressingly free of graphics, this is a purely informative site where it¹s almost impossible to find anything you¹re looking for. You just seem to follow link after link without ever getting to the nitty gritty. In case you didn¹t know, the OAS is an organization that supports all of the Americas -- yep, the whole hemisphere -- in promoting peace, fighting terrorism, stopping government corruption, advancing trade, addressing environmental issues, and even promoting cultural events. So, now that you know what they do, you can save yourself some time and aggravation, and surf elsewhere.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 12

Bad Subjects
Category: Political
Issue: 0796
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Excellent
Site of the Month: No
Author: Tom Geller
Every major university has an online journal these days, but only U.C. Berkeley has Bad Subjects. A home for self-proclaimed leftists in ³reaction against some aspects of the academic left,² the print publication features l-o-o-o-n-g articles and not much else, while a companion mailing list serves as a forum for action, reaction, and general malaise. Both are archived at the Web site, and the print publication can either be read online or (hooray!) downloaded as an PDF file. The site¹s design is minimal, yet functional; the thought-provoking text is, appropriately, the focus.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 7

Reform Party of Canada
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jon Phillips
This site presents a comprehensive, compelling argument for a unified Canada, and last year asked readers to cast ³no² votes during the referendum on sovereignty for Quebec. As you may or may not know, unionists squeaked by with a 1 percent margin. My friends and I were crushed. We applauded the sheer weirdness of the insurrection, and were looking forward to knowing very little about not one, but two, northern neighbors. Links are available in both English and French ‹ perhaps a concession to woo back the disenfranchised.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 7

Green Parties of North America
Category: Political
Issue: 0696
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jon Phillips
All you ever wanted to know about the Green Party, its gentle brand of progressive libertarianism, and its goal to protect the environment and your basic civil rights. Party information from each registered state awaits surfers who want information on local fronts. The site does bog down a bit with excessive linking ‹ you may click three or four times before encountering a significant chunk of text ‹ but once you find your footing, the rewards are immense. A valuable resource for both party information and legal battles pertinent to progressive causes.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jon Phillips
Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Upstream is ³home for the intellectually heterodox, the politically incorrect, and other independent thinkers.² It¹s also a thorough compendium of scholarly, far-right-wing philosophy. A search utility eases travel, and you can opt to receive automatic e-mail alerting you to site updates. Though a lot of the material centers on South Africa, Upstream is nonetheless a requisite stop for rabid social Darwinists and the people who keep them in check.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

Turn Left
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
³Liberal² is a term that¹s bandied about a lot nowadays, but few know what it means. This site addresses this shortcoming by providing a solid introduction to Liberalism. The site also offers a large number of links to Democratic Party organizations and hundreds of other groups that set liberal philosophies to action. I can only criticize the message wall section: It desperately needs a decent visual interface, and is aesthetically boring.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

GOP In-Fighting Update Series
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
The site is premised on the notion that the Religious Right is a minority with control of the Republican party. By highlighting the division and internal wranglings in short articles posted several times a week, the creator hopes to help rectify this situation. Those with an interest in the internal politics of the GOP will probably find it fascinating. Those more casually concerned with politics can glimpse what goes on behind-the-scenes in Congress. The site can be searched for text strings if you¹re interested in a particular Congress member or issue.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

Electronic Town Hall Project
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
The Electronic Town Hall Project is an Internet Relay Chat channel devoted to discussing the agenda of United We Stand America, the populist group led by Ross Perot that is trying to establish a third political party. This site intends to introduce newcomers to IRC in general, and the Project specifically. You¹ll find links to IRC-related articles, transcripts of Town Hall sessions, and info on Town Hall participants. If you¹re interested in this project, you¹ll find this to be a trove of information. However, it is not well-organzied, and you won¹t find any fancy graphics.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
Sooner or later, it was bound to happen: Someone would develop a dedicated polling site for the Web. This site gives you the chance to vote on select issues of the day. How do *you* feel about primary elections in Arizona? What about the demise of ³Calvin and Hobbes²? You can view voting results, as well as read and post comments. I found the interface quite confusing.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

Political Theory on the Internet
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
This site is a collection of links to the major contributions of big-name political theorists. For each of the dozen or so theorists listed, you¹ll find a portrait, a discussion of the theorist¹s life and major ideas, and links to original works. There is also a page of links to political theory resources. While this site lacks extensive content, those with an interest in political theory may find this to be a great clearing house for information. You¹ll find complete texts, not excerpts.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 6

National Party
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jon Phillips
The National Party: It *sounds* innocuous enough. But sometimes letter bombs come in plain brown wrappers. Dig the mission statement: ³The National Party is a political and social organization which actively represents, protects and advances the interests of White people in America. It is committed to being the foremost driving force for White separatismŠ² Bigoted venom aside, this graphically barren site is well-written, easily navigated, and concise. Tell all your racist friends!
Overall Rating (out of 18): 5

Constitution Action Party
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Jon Phillips
The right-wing ³constitutional purists² behind this page condemn both Democrats and Republicans, and advocate a return to the simpler days of Jefferson and Monroe. Via sarcastic (and sometimes entertaining) missives, they defend the supreme authority of a Christian god, attack gay rights, and condemn what they consider to be illegal taxation of the electorate. They temper their platform with criticism of racism and militarism, and suggest that the voter revolt of 1994 was misidentified as a Republican endorsement. The site is easily navigated, though artistically flat.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 5

PeaceNet Home Page
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
This is probably the most comprehensive list of peace and justice issues on the Web. Typical of IGC, the site contains an exhaustive collection of links to sites that promote anything from African-American rights to voting issues. Unfortunately, it doesn¹t go much beyond a list of links. There¹s a special feature of the week, which looks fairly in depth at an issue, but if you¹re looking for information, you most likely will not find it on this site. What you will find is a link to it.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 5

Amnesty International On-line
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
Amnesty International has led in fighting human rights violations for decades. It¹s been so successful because it makes it easy for people to advocate for freeing prisoners. Now it¹s brought the same information to the Web, and made it even easier for us to help. The site lists hundreds of Urgent Action notices and studies of prisoners of conscience, and allows you to write your letters by e-mail. It also contains a huge collection of human rights records and trends in particular countries. This site makes it so easy to participate that you really have no excuse not to.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 5

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Good
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
The hardest-hitting, most radical environmental group on the high-seas now comes to the Web. It¹s always enjoyable to read about the Sea Shepherds humiliating and devastating the eco-villains of the world. If you have never heard of this controversial group, check this site out. The group swears by nonviolent confrontation. Its Web page is well-designed, and it¹s the first one I¹ve run across that uses frames. Be sure and read the captains logs. I found a significant number of small technical problems with the site, but they should be fixed by the time you read this.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 5

Dole Watch
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
As the presidential election approaches, those with an active interest in the contest will be looking for ammunition to support their man. This page offers plenty of irreverent firepower for the anti-Bob Dole camp. In fact, anybody interested in Dole, liberal or conservative, would probably find this site interesting. There is not a huge amount of material here, but I suspect the site will grow rapidly as the presidential race heats up.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 5

Earth First ! Journal
Category: Political
Issue: 0496
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
I imagine the Internet presents Earth First! with quite a dilemma. The environmental group¹s Luddite members probably have a hard time with their online presence. Then again, the Web does offer certain advantages over traditional means of communication, especially for a group with such a strong do-it-yourself philosophy. Perhaps the group compromised by posting the Earth First! journal in a text-only format ‹ much better than reading it on dead trees. If you¹re into radical environmentalism EF! style, the site is probably worth a read. It may not hold much appeal for others.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 4

Holt Labor Library
Category: Political
Issue: 0396
Content Quality: Not Rated
Aesthetic Quality: Not Rated
TechnoSmart Quality: Poor
Site of the Month: No
Author: Brian Bearden
This page is fairly devoid of information. It states, in a cursory manner, what the Hold Labor Library is and how to get there. For those of us who do not live in San Francisco, there isn¹t a lot here. The exception is the fairly large and well-annotated list of labor videos for borrow. This would be a very useful site for labor activists if the library would get more of its collection on the Web (and get a good Webmaster). It would definitely be worth checking back to see if the site grows.
Overall Rating (out of 18): 3