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A Message from Leo and Gloria Rosen

The American Cancer Society is the leader in the fight against a terrible disease that has affected both of our families. It has always been important to support the American Cancer Society, but recently we learned two critical things. First, there is a crying need for more dollars to fund research. Second, there is a great deal of knowledge gleaned from the research of the past that could save lives if the information could only be made available to people.

The need to get this information out to the public, patients, their families and physicians, is critical today and will become more important in the future.

Through the American Cancer Society Foundation, we have made a commitment of $1 Million to the Library of the American Cancer Society in order to secure on-going, state-of-the-art technology to get vital cancer information where it is needed if it is to save lives. We realize that by doing this, the end product of research will be more widely available.

We made this contribution as a challenge to others. Please join us in getting the needed money for the fight against cancer.

For more information about the American Cancer Society Foundation, contact:

Michael J. Mitchell
Executive Director
1599 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

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