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The Cure of Childhood Leukemia
Into the Age of Miracles
John Laszlo, MD

Available at local bookstores or Rutgers University Press New Brunswick, New Jersey

Fifty years ago, childhood leukemia was always fatal. Though the number of new cases has remained largely unchanged, what has changed is the outcome. In the United States, instead of 2,140 deaths of children with leukemia under the age of fifteen in 1961, there were 610 deaths in 1991, and the figures are improving every year. Today, over 75 percent of children with leukemia can be cured. Yet no one can put a specific date on the cure of leukemia or say which child was the first to live rather than die. Even the doctors and scientists most responsible were astonished to realize that they had reached their goal.

Dr. John Laszlo tells the story of this monumental victory over cancer through the voices of nine doctors and researcher:

In a counterpoint of voices from patients and parents, Dr. Laszlo recreates the tense world of hospital wards of desperately ill children, the bitter days when new therapies ended in relapses, and then the cautious hope as remissions stretched longer and longer.

Dr. John Laszlo, National Vice President for Research at the American Cancer Society , has seen the progress toward a cure for leukemia firsthand as a clinician and a medical researcher. He was the first volunteer to try out a new blood cell separator and among the first physicians to use the machine to save the life of a leukemia patient--an experience he relates in this book. He is the author of Understanding Cancer, and he is a survivor of his own bout with cancer. He is donating all royalties to the American Cancer Society.

What people have said about this book:

"My father would have loved this book. With clarity and inspiration, it tells the story of the pioneering doctors and scientists who have battled so successfully against what was once an inescapably fatal cancer, childhood leukemia. Dr. Laszlo has written an adventure story that lets us hope for the happy ending Danny Thomas promised--a cure--so that no childhood will ever again be lost to this disease."
--Marlo Thomas

"Dr. John Laszlo is a rare breed--a kind and caring physician, an excellent listener and good communicator . . . and superb researcher."
--Joe and Teresa Graedon, authors of The People's Pharmacy books and syndicated newspaper column

"Provides vivid testimony to the fact that major scientific advances come not from great strategic plans but rather from the quirky accidents of nature, from leaps of intuition, from the determination of a few to forge ahead in spite of ample evidence that their hopes for progress will forever be nothing more than pipe dreams."
--Robert A. Weinberg, Ph.D., Whitehead Institute, MIT

Jacket design by Ellen C. Dawson
Jacket photo: Children with cancer at Camp Catch-A-Rainbow, Big Blue Lake, Montague Michigan, a program of the Michigan Division of the American Cancer Society. Photographer Laura Sikes; courtesy of the American Cancer Society.

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