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Yes, there is Jewish specific music.
Looking for a mate who shares your spiritual beliefs?
Grokking the Church of All Worlds from Heinlein's book.
People who believe computing is "real life."
I have no idea. You'll just have to see fer yourself.
The Two True Path.
He's Fred, Jim. See the Net 04
Who is MOnica and why do we care?
Discussions about the Sabaean religious order.
He's dead, Jim.
Whats new in your community? Find out.
Christian music, both contemporary and traditional.
soc.culture.jewish (scj)
Sociolgy of Jewish culture...
Follow discussions on the Holocaust during WWII
Cultural news and Issues facing Israel
Trace through ancestors and heritage on this newsgroup
Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. (Moderated)
Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
Examining the Holy Bible. (Moderated)
Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated)
Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated)
The Religious Society of Friends.
Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
While it's says its politics, political and religios intersts often go together.
Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.

World Wide Web

Anti Religions

Freedom From Religion Foundation
Well, they don't hate religion, they just think it should not interfere with our civil rights to liberty and choice. Sounds good to me (and Tom Jefferson.)

Eastern Religions

Access to Insight
Looking fer a little online Buddhism, cultivate good and perify your mind? Go here, its a nice site.
CyberZen Zen Sourcepage
Various pointers to one path, the path of Zen. Many links here to many things good and cool.
Hare Krishna Home Page
Despite common misconceptions, Hare Krishnas are NOT some obscure child snatching cult. Visit the site to learn more.
Hinduism Today
An online companion t a manthly Journal about Hinuism. Skads of informatiopn and resources here.
Hokke Kai International
The Lotus Sutra and the religion of the world. OK, enough, I can handle religious choices, but religious domination. No way Jose. Very nice site though.
Islam and the Middle East
Lots here, but the latest greatest addition is the Middle East-North Africa Internet Resource Guide.
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Get your very own online copy (or almost) of spirit and magazine rolled into one nifty-q cyber package.
New York Dharma Group
Beyond a doubt the most tasteful of all religion sites so far, a must see with great content and design.
Nyingma Centers
Information about the Nyingma centers to help spread and teach buddhism.
Process of Creation Birth of the Vedas
This page is about Brahma, "engineer of the universe". It's another Hare Krishna Page thats super well done.
Quan Yin Method
A great site because it translates its in English, Chinese and Vietnamese.
Sikhism Religion
Super informatice, well designed interesting site. It's very big.
Taoism Information Page
Kind of sounds like the yellow pages doesn't it? It is kind of like the yellow pages without auto repair or pizza numbers.
The online edition of India's National Newspaper with current and archived information.
The Zennist Mystical Zen Buddhism
A traditonalist perspective on Zen. Great organization and tons of info.
Tibet A Celebration of Spring
This is an amazing web site with information about a live CU-See Me broadcast of Gyuto monks participating in a ceremony in Southern Australia.
Tibetan Buddhist Enlightenment
Buddhists and wanna-bes go here NOW. Definately a Gold star for organization and content on all things relating to Buddhism.
Vipassana Meditation
Courses in the Art of Living and other mediations. Its small but informative.
Well, with a blinding background and hard to read text, it's a challenge.

Hybrids and Other Beliefs

A Z of Cults
Everything you'd ever want to know about cults is here. Amazing database.
Alt.Atheism Web
Follow the discussion on Usenet group alt.atheism, read archived files and get the FAQ.
Aquarian Age
Who's who in online astrology? I know you've been asking yourself this forever. Well, Aquarian Age is the site for you.
Atheist Manifesto
A text based site with perspectives on why God is not real. Boring to look at, but interesting content.
Azhar Mosque of the Internet
Pretty graphics, lots to read about and learn and all around a very good site.
Celebrity Atheist List
Just in case you need a little positive reinforcement from the stars, check out this list of atheists.
Church of Virus
A well thought out idea, philosophy and web site for the critical thinker in you.
Covenant of the Godess
This home page wants to unite and link Wiccan congregations worldwide. A bit lofty but tons of info.
CyberMuslim Information Collective
Wow gads, all kinds of stuff here with neato graphics and minimal blinky blinky's.
Call me naive, but I was expecting R2D2...its a new agey type site seeking spiritual somethings. Lots of info.
Seed bearers of the New Millennium Church and Seminary of the Old Religion. Nice gif of Stonehenge.
Ex-Cult Archive
Ever been in a cult, want to learn about cults or read what other people think about cults? In fact, what exactly is a cult? Wel, find out here.
Jam-packed with information about about the works of Thomas Merton. Includes an interesting section on Jewish Mysticism.
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Welcome to free thought hall, where you can choose to believe or not believe in anything you want.
Pretty dang cool with all kinds of yummies, including "Spirit's, Spooks and Ghosts - Our Friends and our Enemies."
Haqqani Foundation Homepage
Sufism is alive and well in 9 Languages here. Very impressive site here.
Hazel Grove Musings
A zine about Paganism, published three times a year has some articles online.
Jehovah Religion Bible Info
An interesting page about where the name Jehovah came from and history of the religion.
Man Is Man-Made
This is a small UK site about Atheism with some links and ideals. Not a bad jumping point.
Meher Baba Avatar of the Age
A short site that offers insight to the one and only Meher Baba, which means "Compassionate Father."
Merlin's Home Page
Wow. Merlin has a beautiful site with art, music, astrology and other threads of New Age spirituality. A must see for New Agers.
New Age Web Works
It starts off with a picture of Stnoiehenge and I think you can probably guess the rest.
Oracle Homepage
Not to be mean or an anti-cutesy weenie, but I think the pastel cupid on the top of this web site is repulsive. It's worth a visit just to see.
Ragnarok the Asatru
Lots of color and a little difficult to read, but some interesting concepts for the unofficial home of the Ring of Troth.
Receive instantly Divine Vibrations through your Computer via Internet
I needn't say more. Go there, its a MUST!
Religious Atheism
A guide for the complete atheist, including information on Christian, Jewish and classical atheists. (Yes, they do exist.)
Salem New Age Center
Its a bit dry, ok, it's very dry to look at but tons of info is hiding here. Don't overlook it.
Well, any alterna-kid knows this, and any old punk rocker knows this, but lots of people still don't. Check it out, its a wacky world!
Support Group for Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses
Constantly updated, this page seeks to unite Ex JW's with facts and opinions. In English and Norwegian.
Temple of the Lady
A multi-denominational organization for the Pagan community to inform the world about the many Godess Religions.
Thamer's Islamic Links
If its online and Islamic you'll probably find it linked here. Mucho info.
The Hazel Nut
An on and offline zine about Paganism and W icca with purple text. Hmmm.
The Universal Life Church Inc
Hmmm. Interesting ideas. An organization to cover all relisiogious and spiritual space. A good web site too.
Traditional Zoroastrianism Tenets of the Religion
Egads, there are so many homemade words at this site I wanted to cream for joy. I LOVE IT!
Understanding Islam
Good for those who are exploring Islam, with a FAQ, beautiful images and history.
Voodoo Server
Voodoo: From Medicine to Zombies. A comprehensive site that'll guide you through Internet and historical resources.
White Mountain Education
What is ageless wisdom you ask? Well, I'm not gonna spoil it for you. Check this out to get the juicy details.
# wicca Home Page
Wiccallinks, wicca photos from IRC #wicca, a FAQ and tons tons more. Great Layout!
Zen Atheism
This is an interesting idea about atheism here. A very good read. No pictures, though, sorry.

Western Religions

Ashburn Baptist Church
Ashburn must have some good HTML people in their congregation, cuz this is a slick site.
Catholic Online
This is an information page for the online service, "Catholic Online." Lots of pretty pictures.
Celtic Orthodoxy Homepage
It's interesting, especially the logo. I feel out of the loop and don't know if it's real or satire. Check it out.
Chabad Lubavitch in Cyberspace
This is a neat site with a super cool children's corner and tons of resources.
Christ Church United Methodist Church
A nice site, with nice backgrounds, nice information and an all around nice feel.
Christian Reformed Church
I got to be one of the first 100 visitors to this site (it's new) and they are headed in an ok direction.
Christianity S T O P Read this first
You have to agree to tell someone you know that Jesus loves them before you can enter the sight. Whatever!
Christians in Recovery
Working on a 12 step program and looking for other Christian support? This is your web site.
Columbia Jewish Information
Jewish at Columbia University? Someone's looking out for you kid, check it out.
Computers For Christ
AMAZING databse of online churches. Whjen I checked, theuy had almost 1,000 churches hyperlinked, organized by location and demoniation. Definite value here.
Divine Mercy
Catholic revelations a la Web. Sister Faustina, images and some Catholic links.
Eastern Orthodox Spiritual Direction Files
Wow, I'd have to say that as a rule the Orthodox sites look the best. They have great graphics and smooth layout. This one included.
Eglise Pentecote
Canada has Pentecostal churches too. This ain't a bad site, skads of info and resources.
Episcopal Church Home Page
Get some answers to common questions or network with other Episcopals.
Episcopalians United
It's a small site and not updated very regularly, but you can get some nice links and resources here.
Evangelical Free Church of America
Another huge site that covers missions, history, ministries and links. Kind of dry, but useful for some.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Seminars, news, LutherLink info, a big FAQ, historical data and more more more...
Gallery of Angels
If you like Christian art and angels, this is a great site to visit. There are also biographies of some of the artists.
Havienu L'Shalom
A virtual congregation "without walls" to learn about the Jewish faith and culture.
Heavenly Riffs Home Page
WOW. Hard-Core Christian PUNK stuff. See, the Internet has something fer everyone.
Jewish Web World
It's kind of tacky but
Judaism and Jewish Resources
A big ole list of resources to keep your Jewish heart smiling. Go see it, it's good.
Judaism and Jewish Resources
Another big site that lists mail lists, gophers, a FAQ and local, regional and international information. Online
A brand new site with a bookstore, community center, and a nifty layout. Go there.
Likud USA
The world Likud movement is online. Learn the myths and facts, it's policy and motivation and tons more.
Presbyterian Church U.S.A
Blah blah blah, boring. There is a fair amount of information though for the diehard Presbyterian.
Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship Home Page
Well, it's interesting. Interesting choice of graphics, but lots of Presbyterian resources.
Quran Translated By Shakir
This is a Shiite translation obtained from the Muslim Student Association at Buffalo, for your reading pleasure.
Religious Society of Friends -Quaker2
Another Quaker site, not as stunning as the first, but a GREAT link list to home pages of quakers. Very cool.
Religious Society of Friends - Quakers
Egads, now this is a captivating site! It's smooth and clean and loaded with content.
Saint John Maximovitch Eastern Orthodox Web Page
All about St. John (1896 - 1966) this site is full of Eastern orthodox info-bytes.
SDAnet (Seventh Day Adventist)
Tons and tons and tons of stuff. Everything from university organizations to bible study forums.
Shadrach's Furnace
This is truly inspiring. It isn't about why Christianity is the best, but what it means to this person. Very cool and extremely well done. YEAH!
Shroud of Turin
Super informative site about The Shroud; Literature, scientific research, history, etc.
Snake Oil
Kooky Kontemporary Kristian Kulture, Snake Oil is full of gossip and goodies about Chritian evangelists.
Spiritual Art
Amazing. The link database here far outweighs Yahoo! as far as Christian resources go.
St James Lutheran Church
One of many individual church sites. Though it's super small, it's got some nice things like schedules...
The A Z of Jewish & Israel Related Resources
Monster Mega list of all things pertaining to Jewish things. Its huge, but easy to read and alphabetical...
The Baptist Faith and Message
Everything you ever wanted (and didn't want) to know about the Baptist church is here.
The Bridge
A student run online Christian Newsletter. There's an amazing photo at the start which automatically makes this worth a visit.
The Christian Connection
Super spiffy layout designed to be a "launching pad" to explore Christianity and online resources.
The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt
A big name for a big site. They've got lots of art, architecture, language and historical discourse. Tres cool.
The Orthodox Bard
Yet another beautiful Orthodox site. This one pertaining to te arts; literature, fine art and music.
Uncle Eli's Haggadah
A playful poem, Doctor Suess style, about Passover. It's a lot of fun!
United Pentecostal Church
Check to see if your state has local affiliation, hook up with e-mail addresses and get general info.
Welcome to Fish TV Networks Inc
I had no idea that Christian Music had such a subculture. This is an exceptional site.
Welcome to the Jesus Army pages
Tacky name and tacky design, but if you wanna hook up with a revival, check it out.
Word Of Life Church
It's a well buit site from an organization who wants to "seek and save the lost." Lots here.