Scrolling Status Bar


Installation & Configuration
  1. Copy the source into the <HEAD> portion of your page.
  2. Add ONLOAD="window.config.timer=window.setTimeout('sbprint()',window.config.delay)" to your <BODY> statement.
  3. Locate the window.config=new mkcfg(2); statement in the JavaScript code in the <SCRIPT> section of the page.
  4. Change the 2 to represent the number of messages you wish to display.
  5. Change the window.config.list[x]="..."; entries to contain your messages. NOTE: You must have an entry for every x.
  6. The default is to just display the messages for a period of time. To make a message scroll, add window.config.type[x]=1; statements after each window.config.list[x]="..."; statment.
  7. Optionally modify the the following parameters (see code comments for descriptions):
    • window.config.showurl
    • window.config.looping
    • window.config.msgdisp
    • window.config.barwidth
  8. Optionally add ONMOUSEOVER="urlfix(this)" to each <A HREF...> tag in your page.

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