The Magnificent Seven

Hungry for some action on the Internet after all this preparatory gearing up? Well, let's take a moment to focus on what it is you can actually explore as an Internet voyager. There's been so much hype about the information superhighway, it sometimes seems like the most basic reasons to use the Internet are lost under all the glitz. In this section, we'll review the major activities you can do on the Internet. There are seven action items, and we think that taken together, they're pretty impressive. You can send and receive messages from all over the world; transfer files; search for and retrieve information; explore Gopherspace; join in online discussions and chat groups; participate in newsgroups; and, most exciting of all, explore the World Wide Web.
  1. Electronic Mail
  2. Files, Files, Files
  3. Gopher
  4. MUD MUCK, and IRC
  5. Mailing Lists
  6. Newsgroups
  7. World Wide Web

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