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     The directory function can be used in one of two modes.

     The default is to provide the primary directory listing features and
     keep the size of the program to a minimum.

     The other option is to provide all the options and features outlined
     in the previous section. To enable the full file directory procedures,
     a conditional compiler directive DIRFULL should be declared in your
     program and the program should be re-"built", e.g.

          {$DEFINE DIRFULL}

     For more information on conditional compilation refer to Chapter 2.

     Features available only in the full unit are:

     -    information panel at the top of the window
     -    directory sorting
     -    directory zooming
     -    allowing user input
     -    Toolkit help screen

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson