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     The FastTTT5 unit includes the following procedures and functions:

Screen Writing
     FastWrite      using color attribute
     WriteAt        using foreground and background colors
     ColWrite       writes using default colors
     PlainWrite     uses current screen attribute
     FWrite         moves cursor to end of line
     FWriteLn       moves cursor to next line
     WriteCenter    centers text on a line
     WriteBetween   centers text between to X coords.
     WriteVert      writes text vertically down screen
     ClickWrite     WriteAt with clicks!
Box/Line drawing
     Box            draws box leaving interior undisturbed
     FBox           draws a filled box
     GrowFbox       draws exploding filled box
     HorizLine      draws single or double horizontal line
     VertLine       draws single or double vertical line
Misc. Procedures
     ColorScreen    returns true if color display
     Attr           returns combined foreground/background attribute
     Attrib         changes display attrib. of screen area
     ClearText      erases and sets color of screen area
     ClearLine      erases and sets color of a line
     Replicate      returns a character repeated N times
     EGAVGASystem   returns true if EGA or VGA installed

See Also: Const, Type, Var
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson