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BlockRead                Reads Block(s) from Untyped File

 BlockRead(var InFile: file; var Storage: <type>; NumBlocks: Integer);   [TP]

    Reads in some number of blocks from an untyped file into any type of
    variable or data structure. You must call Assign and Reset before
    making any calls to BlockRead.

          InFile    Untyped file; must have been previously opened using
                    Assign and Reset.

         Storage    Any variable or data structure; should be at least as
                    large as NumBlocks * block size.

          <type>    Any data type except a file type.

       NumBlocks    The number of blocks to be read in.

    Block size is by default 128 bytes; however, it is possible to set the
    block size to another value when you call Reset.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           BlockRead(UFile,Buffer,4);       { read 512 bytes }

See Also: Assign Reset FilePos FileSize Seek
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson