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Standard Identifiers

    The following are predefined identifiers: constants, data types,
    procedures, functions, and variables.

    You can assign identifiers using any of the names below, but doing so
    loses the predefined meaning of the identifier for the scope of the
    reassigned identifier.

    Those marked with an asterisk (*) are specific to Turbo Pascal.
    Entries for all these words can be found in the data base.

    Abs               * Erase             * LowVideo           Reset
  * Addr              * Execute           * LST                Rewrite
  * Append            * Exit              * LstOutPtr        * RmDir
    ArcTan              Exp               * Mark               Round
  * Assign              False             * MaxAvail         * Seek
  * AUX               * FilePos             MaxInt           * SeekEOF
  * AuxInPtr          * FileSize          * Mem              * SeekEOLN
  * AuxOutPtr         * FillChar          * MemAvail         * Seg
  * BlockRead         * Frac              * MemW               Sin
  * BlockWrite        * FreeMem           * MkDir            * SizeOf
    Boolean           * GetDir            * Move             * Sound
  * Byte              * GetMem            * MSDos              Sqr
  * Chain             * GoToXY              New                Sqrt
    Char              * GraphBackground   * NormVideo        * SSeg
  * ChDir             * GraphColorMode    * NoSound          * Str
    Chr               * GraphMode           Odd                Succ
    Close             * GraphWindow       * Ofs              * Swap
  * ClrEol            * Halt                Ord                Text
  * ClrScr            * HeapPtr             Output           * TextBackground
  * CON               * Hi                * OvrPath          * TextColor
  * Concat            * HiRes             * Palette          * TextMode
  * ConInPtr          * HiResColor        * ParamCount       * TRM
  * ConOutPtr           Input             * ParamStr           True
  * ConStPtr          * Insert            * Pi                 Trunc
  * Copy              * InsLine           * Plot             * Truncate
    Cos               * Int               * Port             * UpCase
  * CrtExit             Integer           * PortW            * USR
  * CrtInit           * Intr              * Pos              * UsrInPtr
  * CSeg              * IOResult            Pred             * UsrOutPtr
  * Delay             * KBD               * Ptr              * Val
  * Delete            * Keypressed        * Random           * WhereX
  * DelLine           * Length            * Randomize        * WhereY
    Dispose             Ln                  Read             * Window
  * Draw              * Lo                  Readln             Write
  * DSeg              * LongFilePos         Real               Writeln
    EOF               * LongFileSize      * Release
    EOLN              * LongSeek          * Rename

 * Turbo Pascal Only

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