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Assignment               Sets Equivalency                      Statement Type

 <name> := <expression>;

    Assigns a value to a declared variable or parameter; can also assign a
    value to a function's identifier (within that function).

             <name>   A previously declared variable or parameter; if
                      within a function, may also be the function's name.

       <expression>   Any legal combination of constants, variables,
                      function calls, and operators yielding a value that
                      can be legally assigned to <name>.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           I    := (I mod J) * Sqr(24) div 3;
           X    := Sin((Pi/180) * 45.0);
           Flag := (I <> J);
           Ch   := 'r';
           Name := 'Rufus P. Jones';

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson