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Parameters               Values Passed to Subprograms

    Both types of subprograms--procedures and functions--can optionally
    have a list of parameters. These are values and variables passed to
    the subprogram; the subprogram can then use and modify these
    parameters. The parameters declared in the subprogram header are known
    as FORMAL (or dummy) parameters. Those listed in an actual call to the
    subprogram are known as ACTUAL parameters. The number and type of
    actual parameters must always match the formal parameters.

    The general syntax for a parameter list is:

         (<parm decl>; <parm decl>; ...; <parm decl>)

    The <parm decl>, in turn, takes the form

         var <names> : <type>

    where the keyword VAR is optional, <names> is a list of one or more
    legal identifiers (separated by commas), and <type> is any defined
    data type.

    If you start a <parm decl> with the keyword VAR, then you are saying
    that the parameters in that declaration are PASS BY ADDRESS, which
    means that (1) the corresponding actual parameters must be variables,
    and (2) that any changes made to the formal parameters will also be
    made to the actual parameters.

    If you omit the keyword VAR, then the parameters are PASS BY VALUE.
    This means that the actual parameters can also be constants,
    expressions, or function calls--in short, anything that yields a value
    of the appropriate type. Also, any changes made to the formal
    parameter do not affect or change the actual parameter.

    The <names> must be legal identifiers. They can be the same as
    identifiers declared outside of the subprogram. If this is the case,
    they supersede those external parameters, which cannot then be
    referenced within the subprogram.

    The <type> can be any predefined data type (Integer, Real, Char,
    Boolean, text) or any data type declared in the TYPE section of the
    enclosing program and subprograms (if any). Standard Pascal also
    allows  procedures and functions to be passed as parameters. Turbo
    Pascal, however, does not. Finally, any parameters of a file type must
    be  passed by address.

    You can't directly declare arrays, records, sets, files, or enumerated
    data types in <type>; instead, these must be defined as a data type
    and that identifier used in the parameter list. For example, the
    parameter list

         procedure Dummy(L : array[1..10] of Integer);

    is illegal; the correct approach is:

           List      = array[1..10] of Integer;
         procedure Dummy(L : List);

See Also: subprograms procedures functions
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