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set                      Declares a Set Variable or Type

   <tname> = set of <ordtype>;

   <vname> : set of <ordtype>;

    A set does not actually hold values, as do arrays, records, and other
    variables. Instead, it merely notes current membership, which can be
    tested by means of the IN relational operator.

            <tname>   name of data type being defined.

            <vname>   name of variable being declared.

          <ordtype>   Can only be an ordinal data type, and then only one
                      with 256 or fewer values: Byte, Char, Boolean,
                      enumerated types, or sufficiently small Integer

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           type CharSet = set of Char;
             Days    = (Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat);
             DaySet  = set of Days;
             LowSet  = set of 0..15;

See Also: in of
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