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Arithmetic Operators     Operators with Real and/or Integer Arguments

                         Arithmetic Operators
  Operator       Meaning               Operands         Result
  + (unary)      sign identity         numeric          same as operand
  - (unary)      sign inversion        numeric          same as operand
  not(unary)     complement            Integer          Integer          [TP]
    *            multiplication        numeric          depends
    /            real division         numeric          Real
   div           integer division      Integer          Integer
   mod           modulus               Integer          Integer
   and           bitwise AND           Integer          Integer          [TP]
   shl           shift left            Integer          Integer          [TP]
   shr           shift right           Integer          Integer          [TP]
    +            addition              numeric          depends
    -            subtraction           numeric          depends
   or            bitwise OR            Integer          Integer          [TP]
   xor           bitwise XOR           Integer          Integer          [TP]
    =            equal                 numeric          Boolean
   <>            not equal             numeric          Boolean
    <            less than             numeric          Boolean
   <=            less than or equal    numeric          Boolean
    >            greater than          numeric          Boolean
   >=            g.t. or equal         numeric          Boolean

    "Numeric" in the Operands column means that the operand(s) can be
    Integer, Real, or both. "Depends" in the Results column indicates that
    the result is Integer only if both operands are Integer; otherwise,
    the result in Real.

See Also: not div mod and shl shr or xor
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