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TextColor                Sets the Foreground Color for Text

 TextColor(Color : Integer);                                             [TP]

    Sets the foreground color for all new text displayed. Previous text on
    the screen retains its previous foreground color. The new color
    selected continues to be used until another color is chosen. The
    foreground color is the color of the character itself, versus the
    color displayed behind the character (background color).

          Values      Colors            Values      Colors
            0         Black               8         DarkGray
            1         Blue                9         LightBlue
            2         Green              10         LightGreen
            3         Cyan               11         LightCyan
            4         Red                12         LightRed
            5         Magenta            13         LightMagenta
            6         Brown              14         Yellow
            7         LightGray          15         White

          Notes:    On some monitors the intensity signal is not
                    recognized, therefore Light colors (colors 8-15) are
                    displayed the same as their dark equivalents (colors

                    Values from 16 to 31 represent the colors 0-15, except
                    the text blinks. Turbo Pascal has a predefined
                    constant called Blink that can be added to a color to
                    generate blinking text.

                    Note that the colors listed are predefined as
                    constants having the corresponding values, so that a
                    magenta foreground can be generated by the procedure
                    TextColor(Magenta). Likewise, the constant Blink is
                    predefined, so that blinking green text can be
                    generated with the procedure TextColor(Green+Blink).

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           TextBackground(Red);     { set background to red }
           TextColor(Blue);         { set text color to blue }

See Also: TextBackground
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson