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Str                      Converts a Number to a String

 Str(<int parm>; var Dest : <string>);                                   [TP]
 Str(<real parm>; var Dest : <string>);                                  [TP]

    Converts the given number into a string and stores the result in Dest.
    The number can optionally be followed by a field width specifier, as
    used with the Write procedure, so that the string Dest will be
    properly formatted.

      <int parm>    An integer value (constant, variable, expression or
                    function call), optionally followed by a field width
                    specifier (:<width>).

     <real parm>    A real value (constant, variable, expression or
                    function call), optionally followed by a field width
                    specifier (:<width>:<digits>).

            Dest    A string variable.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           I := 421;
           Str(I,Name);             { Name gets assigned '421' }
           X := 3.1415926;
           Str(X:6:4,Name);         { Name gets assigned '3.1416' }

See Also: Write Val
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