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MSDos                    Calls MS-DOS System Functions

 MSDos(var Parm : Registers);                                            [TP]

    Calls the MS-DOS function handler. The appropriate routine information
    (function number, parameters, etc.) should be stored in the register
    fields before you call MSDos.

            Parm    Special record of type Registers

          Notes:    Registers is a specific record data type that you must
                    define in your program. It takes the following format:

                    Registers = record
                      case Boolean of
                        False : (AX,BX,CX,DX,BP,DI,SI,DS,ES,Flags : Integer);
                        True  : (AL,AH,BL,BH,CL,CH,DL,DH          : Integer)

                    You can then access a specific register, say BP, with
                    the expression Parm.BP. The appropriate registers
                    should be initialized before you call MsDos. After the
                    procedure MsDos is completed, the Registers record
                    will have the correct values in its fields.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           procedure GetDate(var DayOfWeek,Month,Day,Year : Integer);

               Registers = record

               Regs : Registers;

               with Regs do begin
                 AH = $2A;          { 2Ah is the 'Get Date' function }


                 DayOfWeek := AL;   { Save the date }
                 Month     := DH;
                 Day       := DL;
                 Year      := CX;
             end;                   { of proc GetDate }

See Also: Intr
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