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MkDir                    Creates a Subdirectory

 MkDir(DirPath : <string>);                                              [TP]

    Creates a new subdirectory with the specified name. If no drive is
    specified, the current drive is assumed. If the pathname does not
    start with a backslash ('\'), the pathname is relative to the current

         DirPath    name of new subdirectory, optionally preceded by a
                    drive and pathname.

           Note:    If the pathname is not a valid one, an I/O error 1
                    ($1) will result at run time. If you have disabled I/O
                    errors with the {$I-} compiler option, IOResult will
                    return a value of 1 ('File not found').

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           MkDir('TEMP');           { create subdirectory TEMP }
           MkDir('C:\TEST\DIR');    { create subdirectory C:\TEST\DIR }

See Also: RmDir ChDir GetDir
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson