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GraphBackground          Sets Background Screen Color

 GraphBackground(Color : Integer);                                       [TP]

    Sets the background screen to a specific color without otherwise
    affecting what's on the screen. Works only in GraphColorMode and
    GraphMode (not in HiRes).

          Value       Color            Value       Color
            0         Black              8         DarkGray
            1         Blue               9         LightBlue
            2         Green             10         LightGreen
            3         Cyan              11         LightCyan
            4         Red               12         LightRed
            5         Magenta           13         LightMagenta
            6         Brown             14         Yellow
            7         LightGray         15         White

          Notes:    Note that the color names given above are all
                    predefined constants set to the corresponding values.

                    On some monitors, the light colors are displayed as
                    their dark color equivalents.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------


See Also: HiResColor GraphMode GraphColorMode Palette
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson