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BOOL pascal TrackPopupMenu(HMENU hMenu, WORD wFlag, int x, int y, int cx,
                                       HWND hparent, LPRECT lpRect)

  This function displays a popup menu at a specified position on the
screen and waits for the user to make a choice. If the user chooses
an item, a WM_COMMAND message will be send to the window which owns
the popup menu.

  hMenu is the handle of the popup menu to display.
  wFlag is not used. It must be 0.
  x and y are the 0-based screen coordinates where the upper-left
   corner of the popup menu will be displayed.
  cx is the desired width of the menu.
  hParent is the handle of the window which owns the menu.
  lpRect must be NULL. It is mainly included for MS Windows 3.0

   0 if the user escaped from the menu without choosing an item,
   non-zero if the user chose something.


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson