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int pascal EndDialog(HDLG hDlg, int result)

  This function is used to terminate a dialog box. It is the only way
to get out of a modal dialog box. EndDialog will typically be called
from within your callback function when a certain event occurs (ie -
pushing a certain button or pressing a certian key).

  EndDialog() does not terminate the dialog box immediately. It sets a
flag which will be examined by the invoking DialogBox function before
it gets set to read a new message. Therefore, you can execute other
operations on the dialog box after you call EndDialog and before your
callback function returns.

  hDlg is the handle of the dialog box that will be destroyed.
  result is the integer result which will be passed back to the
DialogBox() function which was invoked to display this dialog box.

  TRUE if hDlg is a valid dialog box handle, FALSE if not.

See Also: DialogBox
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson