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BOOL DlgDirList(HDLG hDlg, char *szPath, WORD idListBox, WORD idStaticPath,
                                                      WORD wFiletype)

  This function is used to fill a listbox with a directory listing.
The listbox specified by idListBox is filled with the list of files
and subdirectories that reside in the path specified by szPath.

  hDlg is the handle of the dialog box which contains the directory listbox.
  szPath points to a null-terminated string which represents the path to list.
        The path has the form :

  idListBox is the identifier of the listbox which will contain the directory
  idStaticPath is the identifier of a static control which will be
   filled in with the current driver and directory name. If idStaticPath
   is 0, then no control will be filled with this information.
  wFiletype specifies the DOS attributes of the files to be displayed.
                These attributes will be used when DlgDirList() calls the DOS
                findfirst and findnext functions. The attributes are as
                follows :
      0000  Normal files
      0001  Read-only files
      0002  Hidden files
      0004  System files
      0010  Subdirectories
      0020  Archives
      4000  Drives

  This function returns TRUE if a valid directory listing was made,
even an empty directory listing. It returns FALSE if the path could
not be listed.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson