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int pascal AcceleratorSetKey(WORD id, int key)

  This function sets the identifier which is associated with the key
which is passed as the second argument. When TranslateAccelerator()
is called, and if the 'key' has been pressed, a WM_COMMAND message
will be generated with wParam set to the corresponding 'id'.
AcceleratorSetKey() only operates on the current accelerator table.

  id is the identifier which will be associated with the key.
  key is a valid keycode which can be generated by the user pressing
the ALT key in combination with another key. Please see the keys.h
file for a complete listing of keycodes.

  TRUE if the key-id combo was set, FALSE if not.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson