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int pascal WinSetSysColor(HWND hWnd, WORD iSysColor, BYTE attr)

  Sets the color attribute of a window object.

  hWnd should be NULLHWND.
  iSysColor should be one of the SYSCLR_xxx values defined in WINDOW.H.
  attr is the color attribute to set the SYSCLR_xxx object to.

  The attr argument if successful, or 0 if iSysColor is an illegal argument.


  #include "window.h"
  WinUseSysColors(NULLHWND, TRUE);

There are prefined colors for the following window objects:

SYSCLR_DESKTOP          Color of the "desktop". When MEWEL starts, it
                        clears the screen to this color.

SYSCLR_SHADOW           Color of the shadow

SYSCLR_MENUTEXT         Color of menu text

SYSCLR_MENU             Color of a menu

SYSCLR_MENUGRAYEDTEXT   Color of adisabled menu item

SYSCLR_MENUHILITETEXT   Color of the highlighted "hotkey" letter in a
                        menu item

SYSCLR_MENUHILITESEL    Color of a menu entry which is selected

SYSCLR_SYSMENU          Color of the system menu icon

SYSCLR_WINDOW           Color of a normal window

SYSCLR_WINDOWTEXT       Color of a static control of class "TEXT", "FRAME",
                        "BOX", or "ICON"

SYSCLR_WINDOWSTATICTEXT Color of the window's caption text

SYSCLR_SCROLLBAR        Color of a scrollbar

SYSCLR_SCROLLBARARROWS  Color of a scrolbar's arrows

SYSCLR_SCROLLBARTHUMB   Color of a scrollbar's thumb

SYSCLR_ACTIVEBORDER     Color of the border of an active window

SYSCLR_INACTIVEBORDER   Color of the border of an inactive window

SYSCLR_ACTIVECAPTION    Color of the titlebar of an active window

SYSCLR_INACTIVECAPTION  Color of the titlebar of an inactive window

SYSCLR_MESSAGEBOX       Color of a message box

SYSCLR_DLGBOX           Color of a dialog box

SYSCLR_BUTTON           Color of a pushbutton

SYSCLR_CHECKBOX         Color of a checkbox or radio button

SYSCLR_LISTBOX          Color of a listbox

SYSCLR_EDIT             Color of an edit control

SYSCLR_EDITSELECTION    Color of selected text within an edit control


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