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void pascal WinSetMonoMapColor(int idxColor, int bForeground, int inewColor)

  This is used to set a mapping in the monochrome mapping table.
idxColor is the color to map, and can range from 0 to 15. bForeground
is TRUE if idxColor is a foreground color, FALSE if it's a background
color. inewColor is the color which idxColor should be mapped to;
inewColor must be either 0 (for black), 7 (for white), 8 or 15.


  idxColor is the color attribute to map. It must be betwen 0 and 15.
  bForeground  is  TRUE  if  idxColor  is  a foreground attribute,
   FALSE if idxColor is a background attribute.
  inewColor is the  monochrome  attribute  to  associated  with  the
   color attribute idxColor.


/* Map the green foreground attribute into white on a mono system */
  WinSetMonoMapColor(GREEN, TRUE, WHITE);


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson