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LONG pascal GetWindowLong(HWND hWnd, int iLong)

  Retrieves the single long residing at the 'iLong' position in the
window extra area.

  hWnd is the window handle of the window to query.
  iLong is the 0-based long offset from the start of the window extra area.

  The long at pWinExtra[iLong].

Special Note:
        iLong is the equivilant long location, that is:
                (iLong * sizeof(long) )
        from the beginning of the extra bytes.
        The same is true for WORDs, BYTEs, & PTRs.

        This is important if you use different size objects in the window
        extra area.  It is probably easiest if you group the objects
        according to size, in decreasing order. That way you can always
        get at the object that you want. If, for instance, you needed 2
        byte sized objects and a long, you should make the long object
        the first item (offset = 0).  If you didn't, you would need to
        waste 2 bytes to align the long (offset =1, leaving 2 unused bytes).

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson