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WORD MessageBox(char *text1, char *text2, char *text3, char *caption, 
                  WORD wType)

  This function displays a message box on the screen and waits for the
user to ackowledge the message. A message box is a modal dialog box
which contains up to 3 lines of text, an optional caption, and one or
more pushbuttons.

  text1, text2 , and text3 are pointers to strings to display on the
   first three lines of the message box. If any of these are NULL,
   nothing will be displayed on the corresponding line.
  caption is a pointer to a caption which should appear on the top
   border of the message box. If caption is NULL, no string will be
  wType identifies what buttons will be displayed on the last row of
   the message box. wType can be one of the following :
        MB_OK           - a single <OK> button will be displayed.
        MB_OKCANCEL     - the buttons <OK> and <CANCEL> will be displayed.
        MB_YESNO        - the buttons <YES> and <NO> will be displayed.
        MB_YESNOCANCEL  - the buttons <YES>, <NO>, and <CANCEL> will be
        MB_BUTTON1DEF   - button 1 is the default button
        MB_BUTTON2DEF   - button 2 is the default button
        MB_BUTTON3DEF   - button 3 is the default button
        MB_ICONHAND     - a hand icon will be displayed
        MB_ICONQUESTION - a question mark icon will be displayed (usually
                     used for questions)
        MB_ICONEXCLAMATION - an exclamation point icon will be displayed
                        (usually used for error messages)
        MB_ICONASTERISK - an asterisk icon will be displayed

  Returns the id of the pushbutton that the user selected. The button
   ids are defined as follows (in window.h) :
        #define IDOK            1
        #define IDCANCEL        2
        #define IDNO            3
        #define IDYES           4

   if (MessageBox("Are you sure", "you want to quit?", NULL, "MyApp",
                  MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES)

MEWEL 3.1:      Use See Also to view the new syntax.

See Also: MessageBox
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