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int pascal WinScrollWindow(HWND hWnd, int nCols, int nRows, LPRECT pRect)

  This function scrolls the contents of a window vertically or
horizontally by the specified number of rows and/or columns. This
function simply moves the characters and attributes in the scrolled
region to a new destination on the screen. When you scroll a window,
there are at most two rectangular regions which contain the old
contents of the scrolled window. These rectangular areas will not be
erased. WinScrollWindow() will send the scrolled window one or two
WM_PAINT messages with wParam set to 1 and lParam pointing to a RECT
structure. This RECT structure contains the coordinates of the
invalid reectangle. It is up to your application to do what it wants
with this invalid region.

  hWnd is the handle of the window to scroll.
  nCols is the number of columns to scroll. nCols is negative if you
   want to scroll leftwards and positive if you want to scroll
  nRows is the number of rows to scroll. nRows is negative if you want
   to scroll upwards and positive if you want to scroll downwards.
  pRect is a pointer to a RECT structure which contains the absolute
   coordinates of the rectangular area to scroll. If prect is NULL, the
   entire client area will be scrolled.

  TRUE if the window was scrolled, FALSE if not.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson