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int pascal WinMove(HWND hWnd, int row, int col)

  This function moves a window to a new starting position. In
addition, this function will move all of the window's descendants.

  WinMove() will not do any redrawing on its own. Instead, it will
send WM_MOVE messages to the window's (and all of the window's
descendants') window procedure. You should not do any drawing in
response to the WM_MOVE message either. Instead, you should call
WinDrawAllWindows() or ShowWindow() in order to redraw your
application after all of the various moving is done.

  hWnd is the handle of the window to move.
  row and col are the 0-based screen coordinates where the upper-left
   corner of the window will be moved to.


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson