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int pascal WinDrawCaption(HWND hWnd, BOOL bActive)

  This function draws a window's titlebar (or caption).

   hWnd is the handle of  the window whose caption we want to draw. It
      must have the WS_CAPTION or WIN_TITLEBAR style.
   bActive is TRUE if we should draw the caption in the "active
      window" color, FALSE if we should draw the caption in the "inactive
      window" color. There are two variables which define the character
      which the two kinds of captions will be drawn with. They are defined
      as :
  BYTE chActiveCaption = ' ';       /* initially a space character */
  BYTE chInactiveCaption = '#';         /* initially a character 176   */

        MEWEL 3.1:
                Use WinSetSysChar(SYSCHAR_ACTIVE_CAPTION, ch)
                or  WinSetSysChar(SYSCHAR_INACTIVE_CAPTION, ch)
                to set the characters to be used to draw the caption
  TRUE if the caption was drawn, FALSE otherwise.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson