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HWND pascal GetWindow(HWND hWnd, WORD wCmd)
         <MS Windows equivilant>

  This function traverses the window manager list for a window which
bears a certain relationship to the passed window.

  hWnd is the "anchor point"  which the search starts at.
  wCmd can be one of the following :
        GW_HWNDFIRST    - first sibling of a window
        GW_HWNDLAST     - last sibling of a window
        GW_HWNDPREV     - previous window on the window manager list
        GW_HWNDNEXT     - next window on the window manager list
        GW_OWNER                - owner window (the parent)
        GW_CHILD                - first child of a window

  The handle of the found window, or NULLHWND if no window matched the

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson