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GETCOORD        Allows the user to size a box on the screen

  GETCOORD allows the user to size a box on the screen through the use
  of the cursor control keys.  Returns the top,left and bottom,right
  coordinates to your program.

  Summer 87:

  DO GETCOORD WITH @<memvarN1>, @<memvarN2>, @<memvarN3>, @<memvarN4>

  Version 5.0:

  GETCOORD( @<memvarN1>, @<memvarN2>, @<memvarN3>, @<memvarN4> )

  <memvarN1> = Top Row

  <memvarN2> = Left Column

  <memvarN3> = Bottom Row

  <memvarN4> = Right Column

  Your variables will be changed to the new coordinate values

  Please note the "@" sign preceeding each parameter.  This is required
  in order for GETCOORD to psuedo-return all four changed coordinates.

  Summer 87:

  n_top    = 05
  n_left   = 10
  n_bottom = 20
  n_right  = 70
  DO GETCOORD WITH @n_top, @n_left, @n_bottom, @n_right

  Version 5.0:

  GETCOORD( @n_Top, @n_Left, @n_Bottom, @n_Right)

  GETCOORD() is handy for allowing the user to tell your program exactly
  where he/she wants a window, etc.

  When this procedure is called the user will see a box appear on the
  screen (at the starting coordinates you specified).  The cursor will
  be in the upper left corner of the box.  The user can move this corner
  of the box around the screen by using the cursor control keys.

  To move the cursor to the opposite corner of the box, the user should
  press the [HOME] key.  He/she can now move this corner of the box
  around the screen in the same fashion as the previous corner.

  Pressing [HOME] again will move the cursor back to the first corner.
  The [HOME] key can be used as many times as necessary to toggle which
  corner is being "dragged".

  When the box is the just the right size and in the correct location,
  the user should press the [RETURN] key.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson