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  Function            ddatetostr - convert a date to abbrev. string

  Syntax              char *ddatetostr(struct ddate *source);

  Prototype in        datehk.h

  Remarks             ddatetostr converts a date from the structure
                      format ddate to a string in the form mm-dd-y..y
                      where the month and day are always 2 digits long (a
                      0 is prefixed to single digit months and days) and
                      year is not altered.

  Return value        returns a pointer to the storage location
                      containing the date in string format, or NULL if
                      space could not be allocated.

  See also            Cal...(), date_convert(), ddatetofull(),
                      ddatetoshort(), ddatetostr(), fulltoddate(),
                      Greg...(), Jul...(), monthexpand(), shorttoddate(),

  Example             #include <datehk.h>

                           struct ddate today;
                           char *strtoday;

                      /* assign some value to today */
                           strtoday = ddatetostr(&today);
                           printf("today is %d-%d-%d\n", today.dmon,
                                today.dday, today.dyear);
                           printf("or %s\n", (strtoday==NULL) ?
                                "no memory" : strtoday);

See Also: ddatetofull() ddatetoshort() fulltoddate() shorttoddate() strtoddate()
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