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    The header file COLOR.H contains these color definitions:

      #define DWHITE      0x7      /* Dark White (LIGHTGRAY in conio.h)
      #define LBLACK      0x8      /* HEX 8-F: highlighted colors */
      #define LBLUE       0x9
      #define LGREEN      0xA
      #define LCYAN       0xB
      #define LRED        0xC
      #define LMAGENTA    0xD
      #define LBROWN      0xE
      #define LWHITE      0xF

      #define B_BLACK       0x00        /* HEX 10-70: background colors */
      #define B_BLUE        0x10
      #define B_GREEN       0x20
      #define B_CYAN        0x30
      #define B_RED         0x40
      #define B_MAGENTA     0x50
      #define B_BROWN       0x60
      #define B_WHITE       0x70

      #define BOLD          0x8         /* bold (highlight) color */
      #define INVERSE       0x70        /* inverse video (black on white) */
      #define REVERSE       0x70
      #define NORMAL        0x7         /* white on black */
      #define UNDERLINE     0x1         /* Underline (mono only) */

      #define maskforeground  0x0F      /* bit mask to get foreground */
      #define maskbackground  0x70      /* bit mask to get background */

    These colors are intended to complement the list in CONIO.H.
    Make sure you include <conio.h> as well as <color.h> in your program.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson