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                     APPENDIX D - SIMULATED FP MATH

     When I was working on my Free disk space program, I could not get
     it to link as a Tiny program, no matter what I did. Even if I
     compiled it with the Small memory model, it would not run without
     65K RAM available. After exhaustive testing, I realized what the
     problem was: I was trying to link in Borland's FP Emulation. If
     you use FP Emulation, you will NOT be able to generate a .COM
     file. This was a significant problem. Who wants a free disk space
     program requiring 65K?

     Unfortunately, I had but two options: leave out all real math,
     which was totally unacceptable, or write my own FP functions. With
     great trepidation I wrote a division function which more than fit
     my needs. The real division found in the source distributed with
     my free program is far simpler than the rdiv() function in TCHK,
     fulfilling a far simpler need.

     Consider yourself warned right now. My real functions are NOT a
     complete substitute for Borland's FP Emulation library. However,
     if you only need accuracy up to 8 decimal places for numbers with
     integer portions less than 2 billion and change, or plan on using
     the Tiny memory model, they are acceptable.

     A REAL number is defined as:

          typedef struct REAL {
               long rint;        /* real - integer */
               long rfrac;       /* real - fraction */
               int precision;         /* (# of decimal places) */

     A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are some sample REALs
     and the real numbers they represent:

          { 402, 17, 2 }           =       402.17
          { 12, 2, 3 }             =        12.002
          { 0, 0, 0 }              =         0.0
          { -8356, 286, 3 }        =     -8356.286
          { 0, -3, 1 }             =        -0.3

     REALs obey certain rules:

          Sign:  If rint is non-zero, it will contain the sign of the
                 REAL and rfrac will be positive. If rint is zero,
                 rfrac will contain the sign of the REAL

          Precision:  always ranging from 0 to MAXPRECISION, it will
                      NEVER be negative

          Decimal:  the decimal portion of a REAL is always represented
                    as a value displayed to the right of the decimal
                    point. For instance, { 3, 6, 4 } is the REAL
                    representation of 3.0006, which could also be
                    expressed as { 3, 0006, 4 }. Note that a long with
                    a value of 0006 is the same as a long with a value
                    of 6. It is only because longs are used to store
                    the value of REALs that the precision plays such a
                    crucial role

     To calculate the value of a REAL, use the following formula:

          value = rint + rfrac * 10(-precision)

     which is read as "value equals rint plus rfrac times ten raised to
     the negative precision power".

     Error trapping for such things as division by zero, overflow,
     underflow, etc. as listed in REAL.H is provided.

     Planned for some future release is a facility for a user-defined
     rmatherr() function, much like Borland's facility for a user-
     -defined matherr(), and a method of handling larger (> LONG_MAX)
     numbers, probably through the use of negative precision values.
     Perhaps at an even later date there will be a true set of real
     math functions, done the right way with mantissas and exponents
     via bit encoding. This would require a significant amount of
     effort, since I would basically be rewriting Borland's EMU.LIB, so
     don't get your hopes up too high. With sufficient user response or
     personal need, I may give it a shot. However, due to the great
     complexity of such a project, you will understand if I don't rush
     right out and whip up said emulation functions.

See Also: radd() rdiv() rfloor() rnegate() rnormalize() rsign()
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