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  Function            Greg... - family of Gregorian date conversion

  Syntax              double GregtoCal(char *greg);
                      double GregtoCalCent(char *greg);

                      double GregEurotoCal(char *greg);
                      double GregEurotoCalCent(char *greg);

                      double GregJaptoCal(char *greg);
                      double GregJaptoCalCent(char *greg);

  Prototype in        datehk.h

  Remarks             GregtoCal      converts Gregorian (US) dates to
                                     Calendar dates
                      GregtoCalCent       converts Gregorian (US) dates
                                          to Calendar dates (w/century)

                      GregEurotoCal       converts Gregorian (European)
                                          dates to Calendar dates
                      GregEurotoCalCent   converts Gregorian (European)
                                          dates to Calendar dates

                      GregJaptoCal        converts Gregorian (Japan)
                                          dates to Calendar dates
                      GregJaptoCalCent    converts Gregorian (Japan)
                                          dates to Calendar dates

  Return value        GregtoCal, GregEurotoCal, GregJaptoCal return a
                           Calendar date
                      GregtoCalCent, GregEurotoCalCent, GregJaptoCalCent
                           return a Calendar date (w/century)

  See also            Appendix A
                      Cal...(), date_convert(), ddatetofull(),
                      ddatetoshort(), ddatetostr(), fulltoddate(),
                      Jul...(), monthexpand(), shorttoddate(),

  Example             see demodate.c

See Also: Cal...() Jul...() Formats
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson