1600 --- BEGIN TRANSLATABLE STRINGS --- 1601 Norton CrashGuard 16-bit Exception Catcher 1602 The 16-bit program '%s' caused the error: %s. 1603 Registers: \nAX=%04x CS=%04x \nIP=%04x FLGS=%04x \nBX=%04x SS=%04x \nSP=%04x BP=%04x \nCX=%04x DS=%04x \nSI=%04x DX=%04x \nES=%04x DI=%04x \n \n 1604 Bytes at CS:IP: \n%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x \n \n 1605 Stack Dump: \n%04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x \n 1609 Module Unknown 1610 Task Unknown 1611 \n \n%s caused a fault in %s at address %04x:%04x (%04x:%04x) \n \n 1613 Text Files(*.TXT)|*.txt|All Files(*.*)|*.*| 1616 To date, CrashGuard has recorded %d fatal error(s) in this program. \n \n 1617 Reported By: \n%s \n \nReport Date: \n%s %s \n \n 1618 WindowTitle: \n%s \n \nLast Command: \n(%s, %s, %s, %s) \n \n 1619 Before continuing, save your work in other programs because the system might crash. Click OK when you are ready to continue. 1620 CrashGuard: Warning! 1621 More &Detail >> 1622 Less &Detail << 1625 Program: \n%s \n(%s %s - %u) \n \n 1650 Integer Divide by Zero 1651 Single Step Instruction 1652 Break Point 1653 Invalid Opcode 1654 Stack Overflow 1655 General Protection Fault (GPF) 1656 Page fault 1657 CTRL-ALT-SYSREQ 1658 Non-Maskable_Interrupt (NMI) 1659 Unknown Exception 1700 This means the program tried to divide by zero, an arithmetic problem for which there is no solution, so the computer cannot proceed. 1701 This means the program signaled that one instruction had been carried out. 1702 This means the program contains an instruction which is intended for testing purposes only. 1703 This means the program issued an instruction code that is not defined. 1704 This means the program used up all of the stack-type memory allotted to the it. The stack refers to a program's short-term memory. 1705 This means the program tried to examine invalid data, or the data was off-limits to the program. 1706 This means windows lost some of the data which the program was busy using. 1707 This means the user pressed CTRL-ALT-SYSREQ. 1708 This means a hardware level interrupt was not handled. 1709 An unrecognized error occurred. 1720 "%s" crashed due to a Divide-by-zero error. 1721 "%s" issued a single-step interrupt. 1722 "%s" issued a breakpoint interrupt. 1723 "%s" crashed due to an illegal instruction. 1724 "%s" crashed due to a Stack Overflow. 1725 "%s" crashed due to an General Protection Fault. 1726 "%s" crashed due to a Page Fault. 1727 "%s" stopped in response to CTRL+ALT+SYSREQ. 1728 "%s" crashed because of an NMI interrupt. 1729 "%s" crashed due to an unrecognized error. 1750 Software\Symantec\Norton Crashguard\16Bit Faults 1800 There is an EXCELLENT chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work. 1801 There is a VERY GOOD chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work. 1802 There is a GOOD chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work. 1803 There is a FAIR chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. Click Fix Program and save your work. Then restart the program. 1804 The chances are POOR that the program will work properly if you click Fix Program. You should restart the program after you save your work. 1805 It is unlikely that CrashGuard can repair the problem. You can still click Fix Program and try to save your work. 1806 DANGER! This program might cause a system crash. Click Fix Program only if you really need to save your work. Click Close Program to avoid further problems. 1807 There is a chance that CrashGuard can repair the problem. To let CrashGuard proceed, click Fix Program, save your work, and restart the program. 1820 %s crashed 1821 %s froze 1822 %s conclusion 1823 CrashGuard closed the program at the user's request. 1824 CrashGuard applied a fix to the program at the user's request. 1825 The program shut itself down under its own control. 1826 The user invoked Anti-Freeze for the program "%s". 1827 "%s" encountered additional exceptions: %d exceptions, including %d serious errors. 1849 Norton CrashGuard 3.0 1850 Norton 1851 CrashGuard 3.0 1852 CrashGuard will close for the remainder of this Windows session. CrashGuard will start automatically the next time you restart Windows. 1853 CrashGuard will close for the remainder of this Windows session. 1854 Norton CrashGuard does not operate under this version of Windows. 1855 Your trial version of Norton CrashGuard has expired. Continue to receive the benefits of Norton CrashGuard by purchasing the retail version. Remove the trial version before installing the retail\nversion by selecting "Norton CrashGuard" through the "Add/Remove Programs" item in the Control Panel. For more information on CrashGuard, visit www.symantec.com. 1857 Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*| 1858 Save Crash Details 1859 CrashGuard is currently unable to save the crash details. 1860 Saved details in '%s' 1861 The file, '%s', already exists. Do you want to append the new details to the existing file? 1999 --- END TRANSLATABLE STRINGS --- 2801 Fault=#%04x \nModule=%s \nAddress=%04x:%04x (%04x:%04x) \n 2802 AppCrashes=%d \nThisCrash=%d \n 2803 AX=%04x \nCS=%04x \nIP=%04x \nFLGS=%04x \nBX=%04x \nSS=%04x \nSP=%04x \nBP=%04x \nECX=%08x \nDS=%04x \nSI=%04x \nDX=%04x \nES=%04x \nDI=%04x \n 2804 CSEIP=%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x \n 2805 Stack=%04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x \n 2806 WindowTitle=%s \nLastMsg=(%s, %s, %s, %s) \n 2807 CrashGuard v3.0 2808 \n[%08u] \nReportedBy=%s \nReportDate=%s %s \n 2809 Program=%s \nProgramDate=%s %s \nProgramSize=%u \n 2810 MM/dd/yy 2811 HH:mm