THFInstallation Docs

Despite the documentation, many people had problems with installing the THF Multiplayer Addon. To install it proceed as follows.

After you have installed HereticII, you will have a directory called HereticII on one of your harddrives. Let's assume you installed it to the partition work:, in this case it would be work:HereticII.

To Install THF please put the Heretic II CD A into your CD ROM and then type in a Shell:

Of course you can also use a Directory Tool instead of the Shell. In this case:

It should be noted, that it was detected recently that the THFPrefs GUI only starts from Shell, not from Workbench. This GUI was not developed by Hyperion, so we cannot promise how soon it will be fixed, and we do not want to delay the update because of this.

But you can just set THF up with the GUI once, and in the future starting it directly by clicking on THFStart. BTW: If you want to change the settings, like which map will be started, you can set the ToolType "POPUP" of THFStart to yes (default is NO), so that the THFStart GUI will pop up.

It was noticed that the User Configuration cannot be entered for THF. This is normal. You have to select your class by using the CLASS_NEXT and CLASS_PREV commands in the Heretic II Console (you enter it by pressing TAB).

You can set up THF for playing a certain map either by using the map command in the Console, or you can use the THFStart GUI (if you put POPUP=NO) to add a +map mapname to the "Add these Options" Edit-Field. Alternatively you can create a file dm.lst in the thf/ folder, similar to the dm.lst in the base/ folder of Heretic II, where you can exactly specify which Deathmatch Levels should be available for THF Net Playing.

For people owning 3D Hardware (CV/PPC,BV/PPC,...) it should be mentioned, that you have to change the Video Settings to 3D Hardware in THF (in the Heretic II Menu), even if you did already do so in Heretic II. Addons use a seperate config file from the full game, and the default is always software rendering.

Hyperion Entertainment Software