PCTLGFVER #$VER: Master.catalog 3.2 (10.2.96) english bDITO MASTER 2.1 Dirk Holtwick, 1995-1996 bMUI Stefan Stuntz, 1993 i'To learn languages with the great AMIGA' Thanks to Alessandra, Stefan Stuntz, Stephen Hamacek, Andrea Mansella, Heiko Effelbr ck, Mr. Dungs und Jonny from Cologne. Vocabulary Trainer Ask for foreign words Foreign Project Include Save as Save new Prefernces About Print Learn Statistics Multiple Choice Cards Search Erase _1. Choice _2. Choice _3. Choice _True _ False All kinds Status Search *_Cancel|_Quit CAUTION nDo you really want to quit? Did you save all words? *_Okay CAUTION nNot enough words. Input N CAUTION nYou didn't give a filename. CAUTION nUnable to open the file. CAUTION nThis is not a DITO datafile. 8TRUE 8FALSE bCONGRATULATIONS nYou gave good answer to each word. Have a look at your rates. docs/english.guide Cards Columns Lines Number pages Titel Start *_OK|_Chancel CAUTION nThis file already exists. Do you want to owerwrite it? CAUTION nYou changed some words, but you didn't save them. Do you want to go on? bHAREWARE bThis tool is limited to 50 words!!! lThis software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note". It is SHAREWARE as defined in paragraph 4s. If you use it frequently please send me 20DM, $15 or help me with my work on the DITO line (Translations, new vocabularies or new tools). You get a keyfile for the use of the whole DITO vocabulary program line without limitations. Thanks for your support! For more information please read iAFD-COPYRIGHT n(Version 1 or higher). Author: Dirk Holtwick Karlstr. 59 47119 Duisburg GERMANY Address for precious mail ;-) Dirk Holtwick Grenzdick 13 47665 Sonsbeck GERMANY E-Mail: dirco@uni-duisburg.de _Register _AFD-Copyright _Cancel _Search I[6:38] Important I[6:34] Normal I[6:39] Not important Weight Double Ask for English words "run <>nil: more docs/afd-copyright bThis product is registered to: cThank you for supporting my project. Good answers Known words Start again English