CTLGFVER &$VER: FTPMount.catalog 0.1 (10.12.95) ctrl alt f Hosts Can't find Hosts dir FTPMount startup error (FTPMount) TCP Handler Can't launch TCP handler (FTPMount) local handler Can't launch local handler Continue|Exit NUSER environment variable not set Anonymous login with %s used as your address NHOST environment variable not set Anonymous login with %s used as your address YUSER and HOST environment variables not set Anonymous login with %s used as your address FTPMount (FTPMount) status handler Can't launch status handler "Unknown condition (low on memory?) Retry|More ...|Cancel Retry|Cancel More ...|Ok Operational error Out of memory for root string PWD response is unintelligible Failed to get PWD response Error reading PWD response Error while requesting PWD #Error while reading TYPE I response Error while setting TYPE I &Login succeeded (no password required) Login succeeded Login failed ACCT requested Login incorrect Login failed (PASS) Login error %Lost connection during login (passwd) *Garbage received from remote site (passwd) Temporary login failure (USER) Login failed (USER) Lost connection during login !Garbage received from remote site Error reading response to login Error writing PASS Error writing USER Connect error AmiTCP is not running Host %s is unknown Host %s is unreachable %FTP connection to %s has been refused Can't connect to %s (%ld) Lost connection during intro Garbage received from %s Error reading introduction Connection delay ... !Temporary connection failure ... Connection failed ... Connecting to Connecting ... Login to %s Password Current sites Unknown Disconnected Connecting Disconnecting Listing Changing Directories Opening File Closing File Reading Writing Logging in Aborting Deleting Making Directory Renaming Pad 1 Pad 2 Pad 3 (Q) FTPMount Status Status and control of FTPMount PASSWORD STATUS QUICK Cancel Abort Disconnect Login "Error reading response to password false MESSAGES ERROR Default