## version $VER: rush.catalog 38.1 (23.6.93) ## codeset 0 ## language fran MSG_NULL ; ; this string is NULL and should not be changed ;;;**************************************** ;;; addgads.c MSG_S ; S; source MSG_D ; D; destination MSG_CHIP_MEM m chip ; chip mem; MSG_FAST_MEM m fast ; fast mem; MSG_KBYTES ; K; kilo prefix MSG_MBYTES ; M; mega prefix MSG_GBYTES ; G; giga prefix MSG_FULL plein ; full; MSG_FREE libre ; free; MSG_USED utilis ; used; MSG_DIRS ; dirs; MSG_FILES fichiers ; files; MSG_BYTES octets ; bytes; MSG_SORT_NAMES_GAD Nom\0Date\0Taille\0 ; Name\0Date\0Size\0; MSG_DISPLAY_NAMES_GAD Taille\0Date\0Protect\0Aucun\0 ; Size\0Date\0Protect\0None\0; MSG_M_GAD ; _m; multiple assign gadget MSG_DEV_GAD ; _d; device list gadget MSG_PATTERN_GAD M_otif ; _Pattern; MSG_SORT_GAD _Trier ; _Sort; MSG_DISPLAY_GAD A_fficher ; D_isplay; MSG_AD_GAD ; _A/D; ascending/descending MSG_DIR_GAD ; Di_r; MSG_COULD_NOT_LOCK_PUB_Ps Pas pu verrouiller l' cran public '%s' ; Could not lock PublicScreen '%s'; MSG_MONITOR_NOT_AVAIL moniteur non disponible. ; monitor not available.; MSG_NEW_CHIPSET_NOT_AVAIL nouveau chipset non disponible ; new chipset not available.; MSG_MEMORY_NOT_AVAIL moire non disponible ; memory not available.; MSG_CHIP_MEMORY_NOT_AVAIL moire chip non disponible. ; chip memory not available.; MSG_PUBLIC_SCREEN_ALREADY cran public d ouvert. ; public screen already open.; MSG_MODE_ID_IS_UNKNOWN ID du mode inconnue ; mode ID is unknown.; MSG_DEEPER_THEN_HARDWARE plus profond que ce que le hardware supporte ; deeper than hardware supports.; MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR erreur inconnue ; unknown error.; MSG_COULD_NOT_OPENSCREEN_Ps Pas pu ouvrir l' cran, %s ; Could not OpenScreen, %s; ;;;**************************************** ;;; aguide.c MSG_ONLINE_HELP_REQUIRES L'aide en ligne requiert Amigaguide ; Online help requires AmigaGuide; MSG_AMIGAGUIDE_ERROR_Ps Erreur Amigaguide: %s ; AmigaGuide error: %s; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_Ps Aide Simple: %s ; Simple Help: %s; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_LV Listview ; Listview; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_STRGAD Gadget cha ne de r pertoire ; Directory string gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_MULTIASSIGN Gadget d'assignation multiple ; Multiple assign gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_DEVLIST Gadget de liste de devices ; Device list gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_INFO Gadget de texte d'info ; Info text gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_SORT Gadgets de tri de Listview ; Listview Sort gadgets; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_DISPLAY Gadget d'affichage des Listviews ; Listview Display gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_STATUS Gadget de texte d'etat ; Status text gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_PATTERN Gadget de pattern ; Pattern gadget; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_CENTERGADS Gadgets de centre ; Center gadgets; MSG_SIMPLE_HELP_FIT Gadget de place ; Fit gadget; ;;;**************************************** ;;; appicon.c MSG_COULD_NOT_CREATE_APPICON Pas pu iconifier Rush, le Workbench n'est peut- tre pas ouvert. ; Could not iconify Rush, Workbench might be not be opened.; ;;;**************************************** ;;; arch.c MSG_ARCHIVE_LIST List d'archive ; Archive List; MSG_ARCHIVE_LISTING_Ps Listing de l'archive '%s' ; Archive listing '%s'; MSG_ARCHIVE_EXTRACT Extraire l'archive ; Archive Extract; MSG_ARCHIVE_EXTRACTING_Ps Extraction de l'archive '%s' ; Archive extracting '%s'; MSG_CANNOT_ARCHIVE_EXTACT Impossible d'extraire l'archive dans la liste de devices, s lectionnez un r pertoire destination ; Can not archive extract to device list, select a destination directory; MSG_DOUBLE_CLICK Double clic ; Double Click; MSG_ARCHIVE_ADD Ajouter Archive ; Archive Add; MSG_ARCHIVE_ADDING_Ps_Ps Ajout de '%s l'archive '%s ; Archive Adding '%s' to '%s'; MSG_ARCHIVE_ADDING_Ps Ajout l'archive '%s' ; Archive Adding to '%s'; MSG_SELECT_SAMPLE_FILES lectionnez les fichiers d'exemple ; Select sample files; ;;;**************************************** ;;; cmds.c MSG_PAUSED_PRESS_ANY_KEY Pause - Appuyez sur une touche ; Paused- Press any key to continue; notice two space before string MSG_SELECTING_ALL_FILES_Ps lections des fichiers qui matchent '%s' ; Selecting all files that match '%s'; MSG_CLEARING_ALL_FILES Effacement de tous les fichiers y compris la liste de s lection ; Clearing all files including the selecting list; MSG_CLEARING_ALL_FILES_Ps Effacement de tous les fichiers matchant '%s' ; Clearing all files that match '%s'; MSG_EXTERNAL_COMMAND Commande Externe ; External Command; MSG_EXECUTING_Ps cution de '%s' ; Executing '%s'; MSG_MAKEDIR MakeDir ; MakeDir; MSG_DELETING_Ps Effacement de '%s' ; Deleting '%s'; MSG_DEL_DELALL_Pd_SK_CAN Efface|ToutEffacer %ld|Sauter|Annuler ; Delete|DeleteAll %ld|Skip|Cancel; MSG_YOU_CANT_GET_BAK_Ps_Pd_Pd Vous ne pourrez plus r rer ce que vous effacez!\n\nOk pour effacer '%s'?\n\nS lection: %ld fichier(s) %ld r ; You cannot get back what you delete!\n\nOk to delete '%s'?\n\nSelected: %ld file(s) %ld dir(s); MSG_DEL_APRO_Pd_SKPRO_SK_CAN Effacer|EffacerToutProtection %ld|SauterProtection|Sauter|Annuler ; Delete|DeleteAllProtect %ld|SkipProtect|Skip|Cancel; MSG_COULD_NOT_DELETE_Ps_Ps Pas pu effacer '%s'\n\n %s ; Could not Delete '%s'\n\n %s; MSG_DELETE Effacer ; Delete; MSG_PROTECTING_Ps Protection '%s' ; Protecting '%s'; MSG_PROTECT ; Protect; MSG_SIZING_Ps termination de la taille '%s' ; Sizing '%s'; MSG_DIRECTORY pertoire ; Directory; ;;;**************************************** ;;; cmds2.c MSG_COPYING_Ps Copie '%s' ; Copying '%s'; MSG_MOVING_Ps placement '%s' ; Moving '%s'; MSG_CANNOT_COPY_DEVLIST Impossible de copier ou d placer la liste des devices, s lectionnez un r pertoire destination ; Can not copy or move to device list, select a destination directory; MSG_RE_REALL_SKALL_SK_CAN Remplacer|RemplacerTout|SauterTout|Sauter|Annuler ; Replace|ReplaceAll|SkipAll|Skip|Cancel; MSG_Ps_ALREADY_EXISTS_Ps '%s' existe d \n\n%s ; '%s' already exists\n\n%s; MSG_MOVE placer ; Move; MSG_OVERWRPRO_SKPRO_SK_CAN IgnorerProtection|SauterProtection|Sauter|Annuler ; OverWriteProtection|SkipProtected|Skip|Cancel; MSG_COULD_NOT_Ps_Ps_Ps Pas pu %s '%s'\n\n %s ; Could not %s '%s'\n\n %s; MSG_RETRY_SKIPERROR_SKIP_CANCEL essayer|SauterErreurs|Sauter|Annuler ; Retry|SkipErrors|Skip|Cancel; MSG_ERROR_COULD_NOT_Ps_Ps_Ps Erreur: pas pu %s '%s'\n\n %s ; Error: could not %s '%s'\n\n %s; MSG_COPY Copier ; Copy; MSG_SOURCE Source ; Source; MSG_DEST ; Dest; MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY Plus de m moire ; Out of Memory; MSG_CANCEL Annuler ; Cancel; MSG_INFINITE_LOOP_IN_Ps Boucle infinie dans '%s' ; Infinite loop in '%s'; MSG_CREATEDIR ; CreateDir; ;;;**************************************** ;;; cmds3.c MSG_CHECKING_FOR_Ps rification de '%s' sur la destination ; Checking for '%s' on destination side; ;;;**************************************** ;;; intcmds.c MSG_DID_NOTHING NOTE: rien n'a fait, le gadget de pattern a peut- tre une valeur incorrecte ; NOTE: nothing was done, pattern gadget might have an unwanted value.; ;;;**************************************** ;;; menus.c MSG_PROJECT_MENU Projet ; Project; MSG_PROJECT_ABOUT ?\0A propos... ; ?\0About...; MSG_PROJECT_ICONIFY I\0Iconifier ; I\0Iconify; MSG_PROJECT_QUIT Q\0Quitter ; Q\0Quit; MSG_EDIT_MENU Editer ; Edit; MSG_EDIT_COPY_DIRECTORY X\0Copier R pertoire ; X\0Copy Directory; MSG_EDIT_COPY_SELECTED C\0Copier S lection ; C\0Copy Selected; MSG_EDIT_PASTE_DIRECTORY V\0Coller R pertoire ; V\0Paste Directory; MSG_HELP_MENU ; Help; MSG_HELP_AMIGAGUIDEHELP \0Aide Amigaguide... [HELP] ; \0AmigaGuide Help... [HELP]; notice one space before \0 MSG_HELP_SIMPLEHELP H\0Aide Simple ; H\0Simple Help?; MSG_COMMANDS_MENU Commandes ; Commands; MSG_COMMANDS_AUTOINFO lection Auto Ic ; U\0Auto Icon Select; MSG_COMMANDS_SHOWERRORS O\0MontrerErreurs... ; O\0ShowErrors...; MSG_SETTINGS_MENU glages ; Settings; MSG_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MODE S\0Mode Ecran... ; S\0Screen Mode...; MSG_SETTINGS_PALETTE P\0Palette... ; P\0Palette...; MSG_SETTINGS_EDIT_GADGETS G\0Editer Gadgets... ; G\0Edit Gadgets...; MSG_SETTINGS_LISTVIEW L\0Listview... ; L\0Listview...; MSG_SETTINGS_ARCHIVE A\0Archive... ; A\0Archive...; MSG_SETTINGS_DOUBLE_CLICK D\0Double Clic... ; D\0Double Click...; MSG_SETTINGS_INTERNAL_COMMANDS N\0Commandes Internes... ; N\0Internal Commands...; MSG_SETTINGS_EXTERNAL_COMMANDS E\0Commandes Externes... ; E\0External Commands...; MSG_SETTINGS_MISCELLANEOUS M\0Divers... ; M\0Miscellaneous...; MSG_SETTINGS_APPEND_SETTINGS T\0Ajouter R glages... ; T\0Append Settings...; MSG_SETTINGS_LOAD_SETTINGS R\0Charger R glages... ; R\0Load Settings...; MSG_SETTINGS_SAVE_SETTINGS W\0Sauver R glages... ; W\0Save Settings...; MSG_LASTPATHS_MENU Derniers Chemins ; Last Paths; MSG_LASTPATHS_1 ; 1\0; these number menus probably not be changed MSG_LASTPATHS_2 ; 2\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_3 ; 3\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_4 ; 4\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_5 ; 5\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_6 ; 6\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_7 ; 7\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_8 ; 8\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_9 ; 9\0; MSG_LASTPATHS_0 ; 0\0; ;;;**************************************** ;;; nodes.c MSG_THERE_WERE_ERRORS Des erreurs se sont produites, v rifiez MontrerErreurs pour une description. ; There were errors, check ShowErrors to see a full description.; was compl te at end MSG_YES ; yes; MSG_NO ; no; ;;;**************************************** ;;; parseReadFile.c MSG_ERROR_LINE_Pd_Ps_INTERNAL Erreur: ligne %ld, '%s' n'est pas une commande interne valide\n ; Error: line %ld, '%s' is not a valid internal command\n; MSG_ERROR_Ps_LINE_Pd Erreur: %s: ligne %ld: ; Error: %s: line %ld: ; MSG_ERROR_Ps_LINE_Pd_Ps_COMMAND Erreur: %s: ligne %ld: '%s' n'est pas une commande valide.\n ; Error: %s: line %ld: '%s' is not a valid command.\n; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req.c MSG_COULD_NOT_CREATEGADGETS Pas pu cr er les gadgets ; Could not CreateGadgets; MSG_REQ_ADD ; _add; MSG_REQ_DEL ; de_l; MSG_REQ_MINUS ; _-; MSG_REQ_PLUS ; _+; MSG_REQ_OK ; _OK; MSG_REQ_CANCEL _Annuler ; _Cancel; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_allcmds.c MSG_INTERNAL_COMMAND_OPTIONS rences Commandes Internes ; Internal Command Preferences; MSG_INTERNAL_COPY_OPTIONS Copie et D placement ; Copy/Move Options; was Options Copie et D placement MSG_INTERNAL_CLONE_PROTECTION Copier Protect_ion ; Clone Protect_ion; MSG_INTERNAL_CLONE_DATE Copier Da_te ; Clone Da_te; MSG_INTERNAL_CLONE_COMMENT Copier _Commentaire ; Clone Co_mment; MSG_INTERNAL_ASK_OVERWRITE Confirmer _Ecriture ; Ask O_verwrite; MSG_INTERNAL_UNSET_ARCH_BIT _Retirer Bit Archive ; Unset Archive _Bit; was Retirer _Bit 'a' MSG_INTERNAL_DELETE_OPTIONS Effacer Options ; Delete Options; MSG_INTERNAL_CONFIRM_DELETE Confirmer e_ffac. ; Confirm De_lete; MSG_INTERNAL_MKDIR_OPTIONS Options MakeDir ; Makedir Options; MSG_INTERNAL_MKDIR_ICONS er Ic _nes: ; Create Ico_ns; MSG_INTERNAL_PROTECT_OPTIONS Options de Protection ; Protect Options; MSG_INTERNAL_H Bit _H ; _H bit; MSG_INTERNAL_S _Script ; _Script; MSG_INTERNAL_P ; _Pure; MSG_INTERNAL_A Archi_v ; _Archived; MSG_INTERNAL_R _Lisible ; _Readable; MSG_INTERNAL_W _Modifiable ; _Writable; MSG_INTERNAL_E cutable ; _Executable; MSG_INTERNAL_D a_ble ; _Deletable; MSG_INTERNAL_RENAME_OPTIONS Options Renommage ; Rename Options; MSG_INTERNAL_RENAME_ICONS Renomm, A_uto. Ic ; A_uto Icon Rename; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_external.c MSG_EXT_COMMAND_OPTIONS rences Commandes Externes ; External Command Preferences; MSG_EXT_CONSOLE_STRING ne Console ; Console _String; MSG_EXT_EXAMPLE_WINDOW tre Console Exemple ; Example Console _Window; MSG_EXT_EX_CON_WIN tre Console Exemple ; Example Console Window; MSG_EXT_EX_TEXT0 Dimensionne la fen la taille d ; Size the window to the desired size.; MSG_EXT_EX_TEXT1 lectionnez le gadget de fermeture la fin ; Press the close gadget when done; MSG_EXT_EX_SIZE_LEFT_Pd BordGauche: %ld ; LeftEdge: %ld; MSG_EXT_EX_SIZE_TOP_Pd BordHaut: %ld ; TopEdge: %ld; MSG_EXT_EX_SIZE_WIDTH_Pd_Pd Largeur: %ld, %ld caract ; Width: %ld, %ld characters; MSG_EXT_EX_SIZE_HEIGHT_Pd_Pd Hauteur: %ld, %ld caract ; Height: %ld, %ld characters; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_arch.c MSG_ARCH_ARCHIVE_TITLE rences Extraction, Liste et Ajout Archive ; Archive Extract, List, and Add Preferences; MSG_ARCH_ARCHIVE_COMMAND Commandes Archive ; Archive Commands; MSG_ARCH_LIST L_iste ; L_ist; MSG_ARCH_EXTENSION E_xtension ; _Extension; MSG_ARCH_TYPE _Type ; _Type; MSG_ARCH_SAMPLE_FILES _Fichier Types... ; _Sample Files...; MSG_ARCH_ADD_INPUT_SOURCE Ajoute _Source Entr ; Add I_nput Source; MSG_ARCH_QUOTE _Quote ; _Quote; MSG_ARCH_TYPE_LABELS Extraire Archive\0Lister Archive\0Ajouter Archive\0 ; Archive Extract\0Archive List\0Archive Add\0; MSG_ARCH_ADD_LABELS Ligne de Commande\0Entr e Standard\0Fichier\0 ; Command Line\0Standard Input\0File\0; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_archadd.c MSG_ARCHADD_ARCHIVE_TYPE Type Archive ; Archive Type; MSG_ARCHADD_ARCHIVE A_rchive ; _Archive; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_comment.c MSG_COMMENT_TITLE Commentaire ; Comment; MSG_COMMENT_ENTER_COMMENT_Ps Entrer le commentaire pour '%s' ; Enter comment for '%s'; MSG_COMMENT_COMMENT_Ps Commentaire '%s' ; Comment '%s'; MSG_COMMENT_ALL _Tout ; _All; MSG_SETCOMMENT MettreCommentaire ; SetComment; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_copymove.c MSG_COPYMOVE_OPTIONS Copier/D placer Pr rences ; Copy/Move Preferences; MSG_COPYMOVE_CLONE_PROTECTION Copier _Protection ; Clone _Protection; MSG_COPYMOVE_CLONE_DATE Copier _Date ; Clone _Date; MSG_COPYMOVE_CLONE_COMMENT Copier Co_mmentaire ; Clone Co_mment; MSG_COPYMOVE_ASK_OVERWRITE Confirmer _Ecriture ; _Ask Overwrite; MSG_COPYMOVE_UNSET_ARCH_BIT selectionner _Bit Archive ; _Unset Archive Bit; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_dclick.c MSG_DCLICK_OPTIONS rences Double Clic ; Double Click Preferences; MSG_DCLICK_COMMAND Commande Double Clic ; Double Click Commands; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_delete.c MSG_DELETE_OPTIONS Effacer Pr rences ; Delete Preferences; MSG_COMFIRM_DELETE Confirmer _Effacement ; Confirm _Delete; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_editgads.c MSG_EDIT_CENTER_GADGETS Editer Pr rences Gadgets du Centre ; Edit Center Gadgets Preferences; MSG_EDIT_CENTERGADGETS GadgetsCentre ; CenterGadgets; MSG_EDIT_GADGET_TYPE _Type Gadget ; Gadget _Type; MSG_EDIT_INTERNAL_COMMANDS Commande _Internes ; _Internal Commands; MSG_EDIT_EXTERNAL_COMMAND Commande E_xterne ; _External Command; MSG_EDIT_DEVICE _Device ; _Device; MSG_EDIT_GADGET_COLOR Couleur Gadget ; Gadget Color; MSG_EDIT_TEXT Text... ; Text...; MSG_EDIT_BACK Fond... ; Back...; MSG_EDIT_SELECT_TEXT_COLOR lectionner Couleur du Texte ; Select text color; MSG_EDIT_SELECT_BACK_COLOR lectionner Couleur du Fond ; Select background color; MSG_EDIT_GADGETTYPE_LABELS Blanc\0Interne\0Externe\0Device\0 ; Blank\0Internal\0External\0Device\0; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_info.c MSG_INFO_TITLE ; Info; MSG_INFO_NAME ; Name:; MSG_INFO_TYPE Type: ; Type:; MSG_INFO_SIZE Taille: ; Size:; MSG_INFO_DATE Modif ; Date:; MSG_INFO_COMMENT C_ommentaire: ; C_omment:; MSG_INFO_SAVE Sa_uver ; Sa_ve; MSG_INFO_NEXT Suiva_nt ; _Next; MSG_INFO_FILE fichier ; file; MSG_INFO_DIR pertoire ; directory; MSG_INFO_HARDLINK hardlink ; hardlink; MSG_INFO_SOFTLINK softlink ; softlink; MSG_INFO_INFO_Ps Info '%s' ; Info '%s'; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_lv.c MSG_LV_TITLE rences Listview ; Listview Preferences; MSG_LV_SORT_LIST Trier Liste ; Sort List; MSG_LV_SORT Tr_ier ; _Sort; MSG_LV_AD ; A/_D; MSG_LV_DIR_DISP ; Di_r; MSG_LV_DISPLAY A_ffichage ; D_isplay; MSG_LV_LISTVIEW_TEXT_COLORS Couleurs Texte Listview ; ListView Text Colors; MSG_LV_DIR ; Dir...; MSG_LV_FILE Fichier... ; File...; MSG_LV_SELECT lect... ; Select...; MSG_LV_LISTVIEW_FONT _Police Listview ; Listview _Font; MSG_LV_SIZE _Taille ; Si_ze; MSG_LV_FONT_REQUESTER Police Re_quester... ; Font Re_quester...; MSG_LV_SELECT_FONT lectionnez Police pour Listview ; Select Font for Listview; MSG_LV_SELECT_LV_DIRECTORY lectionnez la couleur du lv r pertoire ; Select lv directory color; MSG_LV_SELECT_LV_FILE lectionnez la couleur du lv fichiers ; Select lv file color; MSG_LV_SELECT_LV_SELECT lectionnez la couleur de s lection ; Select lv select color; MSG_LV_NOCHANGE Inchang ; No Change; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_makedir.c MSG_MKDIR_TITLE pertoire ; Makedir; MSG_MKDIR_ENTER_DIRECTORY Entrez le nom du r pertoire ; Enter directory name to create.; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_misc.c MSG_MISC_TITLE rences diverses ; Miscellaneous Preferences; MSG_MISC_STARTUPDIR_LEFT marrage_Gauche: ; StartUpDir_Left:; MSG_MISC_DEVICE_LIST Liste Devices ; Device List; MSG_MISC_STARTUPDIR_RIGHT marrage_Droit: ; StartUpDir_Right:; MSG_MISC_GADGET Gadget ; Gadget; MSG_MISC_SIZE Taille: ; Size:; MSG_MISC_WIDTH _Largeur: ; _Width:; MSG_MISC_HEIGHT _Hauteur: ; _Height:; MSG_MISC_SPACING _Espacem: ; _Spacing:; MSG_MISC_MOUSE Boutons ; Mouse; MSG_MISC_BUTTONS Souris ; Buttons; MSG_MISC_INTERNAL_COMMANDS Commandes Internes ; Internal Commands; MSG_MISC_ONE ; One; MSG_MISC_TWO ; Two; MSG_MISC_THREE Trois ; Three; MSG_MISC_STARTUP_DIRECTORY pertoire D marrage ; Startup Directory; MSG_MISC_BUTTON_LABELS Milieu\0Droit\0 ; Middle\0Right\0; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_multiassign.c MSG_MULTIASSIGN_TITLE Assigns Multiples ; Multiple Assign; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_palette.c MSG_PAL_PALETTE_TITLE rences Palette ; Palette Preferences; MSG_PAL_RED _Rouge: ; _Red:; notice two spaces at start of string MSG_PAL_GREEN _Vert: ; _Green:; MSG_PAL_BLUE _Bleu: ; _Blue:; notice one space at start of string MSG_PAL_SCREEN_PENS _Stylos d'Ecrans ; _Screen Pens; MSG_PAL_PENTYPE_LABELS tail\0Bloc\0Texte\0Bords brillants\0Bords sombres\0Remplissage\0Remplissage texte\0Fond\0Texte surlign tail barre de titre\0Bloc barre de titre\0R duction barre de titre\0 ; Detail\0Block\0Text\0Bright edges\0Dark edges\0Fill\0Fill text\0Background\0Highlight text\0Titlebar detail\0Titlebar block\0Titlebar trim\0; MSG_PAL_PENTYPE_LABELS_V37 tail\0Bloc\0Texte\0Bords brillants\0Bords sombres\0Remplissage\0Remplissage texte\0Fond\0Texte surlign ; Detail\0Block\0Text\0Bright edges\0Dark edges\0Fill\0Fill text\0Background\0Highlight text\0; MSG_PAL_COLORWHEEL_LETTERS VCBMRJ ; GCBMRY; MSG_PAL_PAL_REQUESTER Requester Palette... ; Palette Requester...; MSG_PAL_DEFAULT ; _Default; MSG_PAL_SELECT_SCREEN_PEN lectionner stylo d' ; Select screen pen; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_protect.c MSG_PROTECT_TITLE Options Protection ; Protect Options; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_rename.c MSG_RENAME Renommer ; Rename; MSG_ENTER_A_NEW_NAME_FOR_Ps Entrez un nouveau nom pour '%s' ; Enter a new name for '%s'.; MSG_RENAMING_Ps Renommage '%s' ; Renaming '%s'; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_savedefs.c MSG_SAVE_SETTINGS_TITLE Sauver R glages ; Save Settings; MSG_SAVE_PREFS_FILE Fichier _Pr ; _Prefs File:; MSG_SAVE_GAD_FILE Fichier _Gadgets: ; _Gadget File:; MSG_SAVE_BUTTON_LABELS rences-Gadgets -> fichiers s s\0Pr rences sans Gadgets\0Gadgets Seulement\0Pr rences+Gadgets ensemble\0 ; Prefs and Gadgets in seperate files\0Prefs without Gadgets\0Gadgets Only\0Prefs and Gadgets in same file\0; MSG_SAVE_PREFERENCE_FILE Fichier de Pr rences ; Preference File; MSG_SAVE_GADGET_FILE Fichier de Gadgets ; Gadgets File; MSG_SAVE_ICONS er _Ic ; Create _Icons:; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_screenmode.c MSG_SCREEN_MODE_TITLE rences Mode Ecran ; Screen Mode Preferences; MSG_SCREEN_DISPLAY_MODE Mode Affichage ; Display Mode; MSG_SCREEN_LEFT _Gauche: ; _Left:; MSG_SCREEN_TOP _Haut: ; _Top:; MSG_SCREEN_WIDTH _Largeur: ; _Width:; MSG_SCREEN_HEIGHT Ha_uteur: ; _Height:; MSG_SCREEN_DEFAULT ; Default; MSG_SCREEN_COLORS Couleur_s ; Color_s: ; notice 4 spaces at the end of the string MSG_SCREEN_OVERSCAN O_verscan ; O_verscan:; MSG_SCREEN_WORKBENCH Wo_rkbench: ; Wo_rkbench:; MSG_SCREEN_OSCAN_LABELS Taille Texte\0Taille Graphiques\0 ; Text Size\0Graphics Size\0; MSG_SCREEN_FONT _Police Ecran ; Screen _Font; MSG_SCREEN_SIZE Taille Ecran ; Screen Size; MSG_SCREEN_SELECT_FONT lection Police pour Ecran ; Select Font for Screen; ;;;**************************************** ;;; req_showerrors.c MSG_SHOWERRORS_TITLE Montrer Erreurs ; ShowErrors; MSG_SHOWERRORS_CONTINUE _Continuer ; _Continue; MSG_SHOWERRORS_CLEARLIST _Effqcer Erreurs ; Clear _Errors; MSG_SHOWERRORS_FILE_CMD_ERR Fichier Commande Saute Erreur ; File Command Skip Error; File len:26 Command len:11 Skip len:6 ;;;**************************************** ;;; rush.c MSG_READING_Ps_FOUND_Pd Lecture '%s' trouv ; Reading '%s' found %ld; MSG_MULTIPLE_ASSIGN Assigne Multiple ; Multiple Assign; MSG_ASSIGN Assigne ; Assign; MSG_CONTINUE Continuer ; Continue; MSG_RETRY_CANCEL essqyer|Annuler ; Retry|Cancel; MSG_TO_QUIT_RUSH Pour quitter Rush vous devez\nfermer toutes les fen tres visiteurs ; To quit Rush you must\nclose all vistor windows; MSG_ERROR_READING_Ps_Ps Erreur en lisant '%s'\n\n %s ; Error reading '%s'\n\n %s; MSG_COULD_NOT_LOCK_Ps_Ps Pas pu verrouiller '%s'\n\n %s ; Could not Lock '%s'\n\n %s; MSG_THERE_WERE_ERRORS_IN Il y a eu des erreurs dans le fichier de Pr rences.\nLancez Rush d'un shell pour lire les erreurs\nquand elles seront affich ; There were errors in the preference file.\nRun Rush from a Shell to see the errors\nwhen they are printed.; MSG_COULD_NOT_OPEN_PREFS Pas pu ouvrir le fichier de pr rences. ; Could not open the preference file.; ;;;**************************************** ;;; saveSet.c MSG_COULD_NOT_SAVE_SET_Ps_Ps Pas pu sauver les r glages sous\n'%s'\n\n %s ; Could not save settings as\n'%s'\n\n %s; MSG_LOAD_SETTINGS Charger r glages ; Load Settings; MSG_APPEND_SETTINGS Ajouter R glages ; Append Settings;