AUDIOLAB16 RELEASE2 REGISTRATION FORM Name ___________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City ______________ Postal Code ________ Country _____________ E-Mail _________________________________________________________ Configuration: Amiga Model __________________________________________________ Kick Version _______________ WB Version _______________ CPU _______________ RAM _______________ HD _______________ HDController _______________ CD-ROM Drive _______________ GraphicBoard _______________ Audio Recording Hardware: Audio Playback Hardware: [] Amiga Board _______________ [] Amiga Board _______________ [] PC Board _______________ [] PC Board _______________ [] MAC Board _______________ [] MAC Board _______________ [] Other _______________ [] Other _______________ Other Audio Devices ____________________________________________ I've got AL16 Release2 Junior from: [] Aminet(Internet) [] Aminet(CDROM) [] Other_________________ I am sending you 95 USD or equivalent in other currency as cash here enclosed. ********* No other registration method accepted, please ********* I'll get: - a copy of the AudioLab16 Release2 package and the permission to use that copy limited to myself. I agree that the AudioLab16 Release2 package is sent to me for my personal use only and that I'm not allowed to give it (or a copy of it) to anyone. - offers to upgrade to future releases of AudioLab16 at reduced cost. - one free upgade bonus if registering before 01/Apr/1996. Yours truly (please, sign below) Please, fill this form with LEGIBLE writing, then mail it to: Maurizio Ciccione v.p. Ciccione 9/6 Alassio (SV) 17021 ITALY