History file for mftp (MUI-ftp) : --------------------------------- 1.31 : * localized the entire program. english and german catalogs available. * wrote an installer script. * also changed the documentation to an amigaguide doc and wrote a german documentation. * you can get online help by simply pressing the HELP key. (only if mftp.guide is in the same directory as mftp is !) * you can choose entries of several listviews (connect, drivelist,..) with one single click now - no longer necessary to doubleclick like a berserk ! :) * error in host-setup removed. free'ed memory which wasn't supposed to be free'ed :) * transformed the 'all' and 'clear' buttons to 'toggle'. 1.30 : * enforcer hits removed (finally it crashes no longer :) this was a hard one - spent several weeks on it ! ! * structure of setup file has changed. please delete ! ! env:mftp.config and envarc:mftp.config after noting down ! ! your host list. ! * sort function added to host-list (only setup). * weight of local filelist is adjustable now (in setup). * automatic treatment of links added (also gets their real size now). * separate transfer window for directory contents. * added a lot of useful (?) information to file transfer window. * the pager is now beeing detached from mftp which allows to continue the work with mftp while a file is beeing displayed. * history of remote directories is now recallable with a gadget right to the remote path string gadget. * improoved automatic system recognisation. 1.29 : not publicaly released. * remote list set to MUIA_Listview_Quiet while building filelist => faster. * all/clear buttons added to (de-)select all files/dirs. * directories in the remote filelist have got a nice little drawer image. * eeek ! these nice little drawer icons were added too ! 1.28 : not publically released. * merged directory listing and file listing into one (-> 'rmdir' was obsolete. Use 'delete' now to remove directories). * now files are deselected when transferred. * moving of files has been added. * when deleting multiple files you only get asked once before deleting all (instead of asking for each separately). * if a login fails you are automaticaly disconnected. * a separate task is started to update the transfer rate every second - even while no data is received on an overloaded net. 1.27 : * fixed problem that mftp stopped immediately on machines that had no file named 'env:mftp.config'. (how embarassing *flush*) 1.26 : * changed too much to write here. in fact it is a completely different/rewritten program. 1.01 to 1.25b : only beta releases (rewrote the entire program). 1.00 : *first release * crashed often because of wrong treatment of MUI. -- Michael