
As registered users get a key-file they can download all updates from the HTML-Heaven FTP-site (ftp.iaehv.nl /pub/users/paul/amiga) or grab them of the HTML-Heaven WWW page. (http://www.iaehv.nl/users/paul/index.html) The updates will of course also be posted to the AmiNet FTP sites. If you are not able to use any of the above methods and you _are_ a registered user, you may obtain an update by normal mail. As stated below...

If you live in the NETHERLANDS.
Stuur een diskette in een (voldoende) gefrankeerde retourenvelop voorzien van uw naam naar bovenstaand adres. U ontvangt dan de update per kerende post. (vergeet niet uw registratie nummer te vermelden!)

If you live in the REST OF THE WORLD.
Send me a diskette and a selfadressed envelope as well as either US$ 2.-, Dfl. 3,00 or two International Reply Coupons to cover return postage. You will receive the update by return mail. (Include your registration#!)

Back to the index.

Page created using HTML-Heaven. �1994 by Paul Kolenbrander (paul@serena.iaehv.nl)