HTML-Genie opens a Window that contains a number of listview gadgets. These listview gadgets contain the most used HTML commands. HTML-Genie contains the following six Listview gadgets from left to right:

  1. Image/Text.
    This listview gadget contains HTML commands that deal with in-line images and their text-alignment.
  2. Headers.
    This listview gadget contains the HTML commands that deal with the header tags. These tags specify the size of headers in a HTML documents.
  3. TextStyles.
    This listview gadget contains the HTML commands that deal with the styles of text a HTML document can contain. Such as italic, bold or fixed-width to name but a few.
  4. Layout.
    This listview gadget contains HTML commands that deal with the layout of a HTML document. Such as seperators, paragraph marks etc.
  5. Lists.
    This listview gadget contains HTML commands that deal with the three kinds of lists (unnumbered, numbered and definition) that the HTML language has support for.
  6. URL's.
    Finally, this listview gadget contains HTML commands that deal with URL's. An URL (Universal Resource Locator) is basically an address where something (an image, text etc) can be found and is unique.

For Registered Users only:
HTML-Genie supports the following ToolTypes/CLI parameters
'PUBSCREEN=' Enables you to specify a public screen HTML-Genie is to open it's
             window on. Default value for this parameter is the Workbench
             screen. Usage: PUBSCREEN=Edit_screen.
'RXSCRIPT='  Use a different path/filename than the default 'S:HTML.rexx'
             script used. This allows you to easily adapt the program to 
             another editor. Usage: RXSCRIPT=t:some_script.rexx.
'RXPATH='    Specify the path for the RX command. As some users have moved the
             command from the SYS:Rexxc path. Make sure tha path specified ends
             in a '/' or ':'. Eg. RXPATH=SYS:rexxstuff/. 
'FONTNAME='  Specify the (fixed width) font to use. Usage: FONTNAME=Topaz.font
'FONTSIZE='  Specify the size of the font to use. Usage: FONTSIZE=11
'TOPEDGE='   Y position for the window to open on. Usage: TOPEDGE=10
'LEFTEDGE='  X position for the window to open on. Usage: LEFTEDGE=50
'ZOOMTOP='   X position of iconified window. Usage: ZOOMTOP=30
'ZOOMLEFT='  Y position of iconified window. Usage: ZOOMLEFT=20 
'REXXTOP='   X position of the TagEdit window. Usage: REXXTOP=30
'REXXLEFT='  Y position of the TagEdit window. Usage: REXXLEFT=20 
'HEIGHT='    The Height of the ToolKit window. The listview  gadgets will
             adapt their height to fill the window. Usage: HEIGHT=100 
'HTML='      LOWER|UPPER specifies if HTML output should be in lower or in
             upper case. (Default=UPPER) 
'MENU='      COMBINE|SPLIT specifies if the program is to open one menu with
             the HTML commands accesible through submenu's. Or that every HTML
             category gets it's own menu. (SPLIT) (Default=COMBINE) 

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Page created using HTML-Heaven. �1994 by Paul Kolenbrander (