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MAYBE? | WHQ - SUPPORT BBS | +-------------------+ +-----------------------+ | 0181 - 943 - 5187 | +-------------------+ -====. .| |. .====- $yS0p : Morpheus || ||__|| ||__ Co$ySops : Marauder & Keoma || ||--|| || /\ `| `| |' `====- ____ OpEn 24 HoUrz /\____ / \ ______ _____/\ __|\ \__//\_____ _____/\ \_____\/_ \ \____ \ / ___/ / || \ / \\_____ \ / ____/ _/ \/ \/ | \/ | /\/ || \/ \/ | \ / _//\ \ || \ \ |/ \ == \ / | \/ \/ \ \____|| \__| \_______/\_|| \__/\____| \______ / |________/ |_____/ |_____/ \____/ \/ *Instant Access* *AMIGA And PC File Areas* *100+ File Areas* *400+ Mail Echos* *On Line CD Roms* *All AMINET Files Available* *On-Line Games to Play* *E-Mail Adresses* *Selection of the USENET Use Groups* *Points Welcome on ALL Networks* Networks Available : FidoNET, BarNET, MercuryNET, AmigaNET, AmNet, QuantumNET o .---..---..---..---. .---..---..---. .---..---..---..---. h n : | 0 || 1 || 8 || 1 | | 8 || 1 || 3 | | 2 || 9 || 5 || 4 | P e `---'`---'`---'`---' `---'`---'`---' `---'`---'`---'`---' ______ / __ / A M I G A ..... / / /_/ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ / / / __ // __ / \__ / / ____// ____/ / /___ / / /_// _ / / __/ / __/_ / __/_ \____/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /____\ /_____//_____/ B.B.S. (0334) 479645 - 24 hrs SysOp - Stuart Reid FidoNet - 2:259/93.0 : BarNet - 959:102/15.0 : AmNet - 69:106/2.0 Guitar Music Archive Online , over 400 tabs available Zeus BBS Beta Test Site AmiNet Cd roms Online 24 hours a day free access Files on nearly every subject of Amiga and some PC files too ______ ____ ______ __ __ ____ __ ___ ________ __ _______ | _ \ / | _ \| | | | / | \_/ | __/ \| |_ __) | |_) ) / | |_) ) | | | / / | | |__| \ | | | | ___/ /_ | /| | | |/ /_ | |\_/| | _/| | | | | | / ___ | |\ \| |__| | ___ | | | | |__| \ | | | |__|_(__/__|__|__| \__)_____)__|_/ |__|_| |__|_____/__|\__| |__| / _ \| __)______ ____ ____ __ __ ___ _____ ____ ___ ( (_) ) _)| _ \ / \/ \| |/ )/ | | _ \| _ \ / | \___/|_| | |_) ) /\ | /\ | / /( \| | |_) ) |_) X \| | /| ( ) |( ) | \ \ \ | __ \ __ \\ \ | |\ \| \/ | \/ | |\ \|\ ) | |__) )|__) )\ ) |__| \__)\____/\____/|__| \__)___/ |______/_____/\___/ (0181)783-0704 6pm-6am Weekdays/24HOURSWeekend.1.75GB! *Sysop : Ed *CoSysops : Jason Brown/Maverick : Kevin Higerty/Blues Boy : David Barry/Bookworm *QuantumNet : 424:104/0 *NirvanaNet : 116:117/0 *1.75 GIGABYTES file areas! *Download on first Call :) _____________________________________________________________________ \ \ ) \ \ \ \ ) \ ____ _/___ _/ ! ___/ ___/ _ ____/_ ____/ ! ____ / | / / / \ I ! ____/ __/_ / \ / \ ! ! / \ / \ /| \ \__ ! | \ \ \ !! \ \_ \_____/ |___!\_____/___)___!_______/_______/________/_______)!___!\____/ __________ __________ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \/ / / /\ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / \ / \ \__________/ \__________/ BBS Amiga 1200 & 3000 33-42Mhz 560MEg 2 & 8 megs of RAM 14400 USR MODEM [NoDe 1] +44 (0)171 603 1872 10pm-8am ___ ___ ___ ____ __ _ __ ___ ___ ___________ The / _ \/ _ \/ _ \\ \ / // \ / // _ \ / _ \ / _________ \ / /_\ \/ \ \/ \_\\ \/ // \ / // / \ \ / /_\ \/ / / / / _ ___\ \ \ / // / // / \ \/ _ ___\/ / / / / \ \ \ \ /__ \\ // / \ \/ \ \/ / / / / /___\ \______\ \__\ \ /\ \\ // /_______\ \ \ \/________/ / /_______ \______ \__ \ \ \\ //___________ \ /\ \_______ / \/ \/ \/ \// / \/ \/ \/ BBS \/ --- Sysop: Anthony (Xerra) Brice -- CoSysOp: Gary (Garage) Pearse --- 2:254/255.0@fidonet - 69:102/17.0@amnet - 959:102/0.0@barnet 39:139/13.0@amiganet - 85:1/13.0@zeusnet 77:777/79.0 - Internet Gateway +44 (81) 424-2065 - 24 hours a day system One of the Primary Hubs for Barnet in the country. Support areas covering Blitz, Amos, PlaySid, A64, Arexx, Term, Spot, Game fixes, GMS and all sorts of other bits.. ______ __ __ ______ /_ __// / / // ____/ Sysop - The Gravedigger / / / /_/ // /_ Co-Sysop - Wolvv / / / __ // __/ 24 Hours Weekends / / / / / // /___ 6pm - 6am Weekdays /_/ /_/ /_//_____/ Tel:01708 452284 ______ ______ ____ __ __ ______ __ __ ____ ______ ____ / ____// __ / / __ \ / / / // ____// // // __ \ / __ / / __ \ / /_ / /_/ / / /_/ // / / // /_ /_ _// /_/ // /_/ / / / / / / // \ / __/ / __ // / / // __/ / / / __ // __/ / / / / / /_/ // /\ \ / / / // /_/ // /___ / / / / / // /\ \ / /_/ / /_____//_/ \_\/_/ /_/ \____//_____/ /_/ /_/ /_//_/ \_\/_____/ ____ ____ ______ Fantasy Offline Modem Game / __ \ / __ \ / ____/ All speeds up to 28k800 / /_/ // /_/ // /___ File request available / __ // __ //___ / / /_/ // /_/ /____/ / /_____//_____//_____/ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ / \ | || | / \ | | | | / \ | || | | | | | | | | _| / \ | \\ / | \ | || | /---\ | |\| | \/||\/ | || | | |\/| | | | | | /---\ | _// \ |\/ | || | \ / | |\| | || | || | | |\/| | | | | _| \ / | | \_/\ |____| / \ |_| |_| || |____| |_| |_| | |_|__|_/ \_|_|__ Bulletin Board For Amiga |___________________) Running Xenolink 1.97 Fidonet: @ 2:254/287.0 QuantumNet: @ 424:100/0.0 Call now on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |0| |1| |8| |1| _ |3| |7| |2| _ |8| |2| |0| |5| - - - - - - - - - - - Open 24 Hours * Kewl Sysop that answers pages and mail fast. * Co-ordinator of QuantumNet - Everyone welcome to join. * Loads of Files available. *** RANCID SOUFFLE BBS *** Tel: 0181-981-1930 MON to FRI 7pm to 9am 24 Hours W/ends. Nice games, Anims, Demos, Glamour pics. Frank Zappa info area. RPG area, info & advice. No subscriptions. Zero ratios {after 10 uploads} Helpful male & Female sysops. - Apoganza & Lachesa - Linked to Nirvana net. ____________ ______ __ /____ ____/ / ____ \ / / / / / / \ \ / / / /_____ _____ _____ / / \ \ ___ __ ____ _____ /_/ / // ___// ___//_ _/ / / / //__ \ / // / // ___/ ___ / // ___//__ / / / / /_______/ //____// // / // ___/ / / /__//____//____/ /_/ /___________//_/\_\/_//___//____/ /__/ ___ ONLINE 24Hrs A Day //// ___ //// +44 (0)81 395 5096 / 5106 \\\\//// \\XX// FIDONET 2:254/40.0 AMIGA Net 39:139/6 \XX/ 11400 Files. MERCURY 240:100/10 CD Rom. Line #1 12/75 - 28800 V32Bis + VFC + FAX ! And a Great Ride! Line #2 12/75 - 14400 V32Bis \ / | , \ / | \/\/ () () () ( ) S \/\/ () R L () / B B S +44 181-559-4146 ----------------------------------------- New Amiga BBS From 10pm - 7am Wide Range Of File Bases INC Red Dwarf Files Star Trek Files Famous Personalities Picture Area Large Message Base FidoNet/Barnet ------------------------------------ MIGGYBYTE Disk Magazine Support Site ------------------------------------ Generous File Ratios ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ FidoNet: 2:254/264.18 /\__ _\ Experience...... AmigaNet: 39:139/20.18 \/_/\ \/ _ __ __ ___ ___ __ BarNet: 959:105/3.0 (O)..(O) \ \ \/\`'__\/'__`\ /' _ `\ /'___\ /'__`\ \__/ \ \ \ \ \//\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \/\ \__//\ __/ * PURELY AMIGA * / \ \_\ \_\\ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\ \____\ \____\ \/_/\/_/ \/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/____/\/____/ Home of... / \ ____ __ / \ /\ _`\ /\ \__ Dali Update Disk /S Y S O P\ \ \ \/\ \ __ \ \ ,_\ __ Creative Concepts / \ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ \ /'__`\ \ \ \/ /'__`\ Musical Disk Label Mark David Rogers \ \ \_\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_/\ \L\.\_ Electric Music \ \ / / \ \____/\ \__/.\_\\ \__\ \__/.\_\ +Bodymelt \/___/ \/__/\/_/ \/__/\/__/\/_/ And more!... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tel: +44 (0)181-503-3435, Hours: 11:00-23:30 & 24Hrs Weekends, 300-14400 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tons of Files, Free CD-Rom Access, Online Games, News & Views, Friendly! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to advertise your BBS, PD-Library, ShareWare, Licenceware etc Then all you have to do is send us your ASCI advert for it. Don't worry about formating it it will all be done by us. If you are gonna make your ad a ASCI pic like some of the above then remember there is a line length restriction on 73 chars. Also please keep the page length to 21 lines. Thank you. END ---