Really?, We cant get onto a scene BBS ------------------------------------- By Some Lamer This was a reply to our 'piracy' special a couple of issues a ago. on various 'scene' BBS's this txt file appeared, here it is in full.. REPLY TO THE LAME ARTICLE IN THE MIGGYBYTE DISK MAG.. HaHa did anyone read the disk mag to start with??? Well if ya did ya would of seen an article on PIRATE BBS'S in LIVERPOOL. Well as a trader from LIVERPOOL and using scene BBs's, I would like the chance to reply to your accusation of easily getting on to these supposedly BBS's.. Well first off as most scene dudes on merseyside have got to know each other personally we find this hard to believe that one of the sysops of these kewl BBS's went on holiday and left his BBS open to cosysops ??? I would very much doubt this as the sysops meet each other regulaly for a chat and a drink and you can take this from me. That none of the sysops of the wares BBS's in LIVERPOOL have been away for 2 weeks holiday so that destroys your accusation there... Well unless you call a BBS that was about 18 months ago called RED DWARF the sysops name was LISTER !!! well let me tell ya he was running a WARES BBS on a 1200 with a 20 meg hard drive, so if you call this a major WARES BBS in LIVERPOOL then so much for your kewl hacker dude??? I think someone has been pulling your little willie, so if I was you I would go back and check your info before you make silly accusations about PIRATE BBS's (oh yes this guy did go away on holiday for 2 weeks) and guess what I was one of the cosysops on That LAME BBS that he left open so if a 20 meg BBS is a major WARES BBS in your eyes then where did you leave your WHITE STICK ?? Up your ASS I thinks m8. So what are we to believe that your disk mag is a bit old just that someone has changed the date to say released 2 oct 95 ?? Should be 2 oct 85 We thinks hehehehe well there aint much more we can say except put up or shut up you shower of LAME COCK SUCKERS!!! PS.... I liked the mag it was interesting and quite good for a read so keep.up the good work, but please as I said earlier on get your facts. right and yes I got a copy of your mag from a PIRATE BBS... hehehehe. Oh if anybody would like to add to this piece of shit then feel free the more the merrier ......................................................................... {Defacto} MiGGYBYTE on a pirate bbs!, so what!, whats the point its. FREEWARE! Your Sysops must be lame for charging creds for something that is free, and can be DLed free of charge from any of our legitimate sites!.. {Sigma} Well lame article eh?, so how comes everything that we wrote contory to your beliefs were true. As for the 20 meg bbs it may not have been a major warez bbs but it still IS contributing to the sad world of piracy. So after this little update do you still feel your systems security is safe? Just how do you feel knowing your bbs's could be monitored by any tom, dick or harry *8-) not so cocky are you. Thankyou for taking the time out of your busy pirating schedule to read our magazine and indeed for taking the mick out of what you believed to be false information in this reply, it just goes to prove that we can keep up with what is up to date information in the scene! {Madness} Ok lamer, first off the BBS's (yes there more than one) that was used for the Piracy artical were not in Liverpool that was a made up location. Are you that thick? Never mind answering that question every one knows what wankers, lamers like you are. Starting next year there is to be a heavy blitz on pirate BBS's and heavy fines, all BBS will have to be registered by law and any unregistered ones will be closed and all equipment will be taken away. BT are to do the checking as they have been running tests to locate BBS via the tones through the exchanges. Any number that shows as a BBS that is not registered is then noted and later the address is raded. So get a life Mr.Lamer END ---