AmigaOS 4: What it should have -------------------------------- By MiGGYBYTE READERS After the press release on the PowerAMiGA, a lot of readers wrote in asking for more information and also sent there suggestions for the future OS etc. Here are a few of the common suggestions. O Seperate Palette for Backdrops and Icons No longer would you have to 'share' the palette with the icons and the backdrop. O Multitasking Workbench Environment When you perform a workbench function, such as rename you cannot open any drawers until you finish renaming. O Reqtools library licensed, replacing the ASL This was the most common suggestion, having a more effiecient requestor. O Multiview/Datatypes speeded up possibly in ROM Interesting..... O Ability to change gadgets etc like MUI This would be fun to have in the OS without 3rd party support add ons like MUI. O TCP/IP/COMMS.. more comms stuff in ROM for easier use Agreed.... O A comprehensive help facility for beginners This would be good, but we dont want 15 million help files about the place. O Memory Protection/Networking This is being done by AmiTech anyway no worries there. O Abilties to open screens as windows like other OS'S That means playing your favorite game on workbench if you want O DUAL MULTITASKING.. abitliy to use two uses two mice on workbench so you can do your work, whilst your friend plays a game, both at the same on the same machine! WOW!, this would be kewl!, but I dont think this is possible or is it?. O All requesters centered or mouse sensitive. This was the most popular suggestion to date!, 90% of readers said that!. Well there were many more, and we may include them in the next issue if theres any time left. END ---