Contacting Miggybyte ---------------------- To Send email to Miggybyte's Editors just send your mail to us at: Sigma Alpha ----------- InterNet: FidoNet : 2:254/267.7 Barnet : 959:10 Madness ------- InterNet: FidoNet : 2:254/260.12 Defacto ------- InteNet : When Sending mail please include your full details including name, email address and if your are a sysop. Postal Address -------------- Mr B.Gaunt (MB) 41 Wellington Road Hampton Hill Middlesex TW12 1JY If you want a postal reply remember to include a SAE! No SAE no reply. /\/\|GGYBYTE Distribution Sites --------------------------------- Compiled By Sigma Alpha ========================================================================= Version #2 as of 26/10/95 ========================================================================= Site Telephone Carries Support Net Support Name Number Echo Type ========================================================================= Channel X (Whq) 0181-943 5187 Yes Fido/Bar Alternative World 0181-478 1296 Yes Fido/Bar Slimelite 0181-230 1566 Yes Bar Darkside 0181-771 9100 Yes Fido The Machine 0181-813 2954 Yes Fido/Bar The Backyard 0181-424 2065 Yes Bar Test Drive 0181-395 5106 Yes Fido Spider 01568 613520 Yes Bar Woodies (9pm-7am) 0181-599-4146 Comming Soon Fido Crazee Amiga 01334 479645 Yes Bar Last Tango 0181-214 6442 Yes Fido/Bar X-Files 0181-856 4276 Coming Soon Unknown Sektor of Insanity 0181-270 3182 Yes Bar Rancid Souffle 0181-981-1930 Comming Soon Bar Quantum Leap 0181-372-8205 Yes Fido No Limits 01372 413668 UnKnown N/A 1 Step Beond 0181-692-6090 Comming Soon Bar ========================================================================= All enquires by support sites or bbs's whishing to become sites can be answered by calling the Miggybyte Support Site BBS on : 0181-558-7802 This runs from 22:30 to 0600 7 Days a week This is the latest list of support sites at the time of going to compiling the magazine, so if your bbs is not here then don't worry it WILL appear in the next issue. If you would Like to become a site then please contact one of these bbs's with your full detail i.e your Name, BBS, Tel. Alternately mail Madness Or me (Sigma Alpha) our address are available see contacting Miggybyte page. FidoNet support echo's are also in operation now which makes two mail networks to receive the echo, BarNet and FidoNet. FidoNet echo names : M-Byte Miggybyte Message echo(Site to site messages & announcement) M-Byte_dist Miggybyte Distribution echo(magazine & info pack) M-Byte_articles Miggybyte article distribution(articles to be sent to us) If you have a bbs and you wish to receive the magazine automatically every issue then just take one of the two file hatching echo's from one of these bbs's. END ---